Build rspec-rails as a gem?

I can’t figure out how to build rspec-rails as a gem when just cloned
from github… there isn’t any .gemspec file or rake task that does
this. Any help?

On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 11:09 PM, Jose F. [email protected]

I can’t figure out how to build rspec-rails as a gem when just cloned
from github… there isn’t any .gemspec file or rake task that does
this. Any help?

rspec-rails is a rails plugin, not a gem.


So how can I test a mocked rails controller within my plugin’s specs?

On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 11:16 PM, Jose F. [email protected]

So how can I test a mocked rails controller within my plugin’s specs?

I don’t quite follow you. Can you post an example of what you’re trying
to do?


On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 11:23 PM, Jose F. [email protected]

That only test wont work because neither the ‘controller_name’ or ‘get’
methods are recognized, and I think thats because they are part of

You need to include the app’s spec-helper from within your spec.
shows what I did in my rspec_plugin generator.

You might just be able to require spec/rails, I’m not sure, but you’d
have to set up the load path.


Pat M. wrote:

On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 11:16 PM, Jose F. [email protected]

So how can I test a mocked rails controller within my plugin’s specs?

I don’t quite follow you. Can you post an example of what you’re trying
to do?


That only test wont work because neither the ‘controller_name’ or ‘get’
methods are recognized, and I think thats because they are part of

Pat M. wrote:

rspec-users mailing list
[email protected]

I have needed to use it as a gem before. Why? Well, with ticket
383(Lighthouse - Beautifully Simple Issue Tracking)
David extracted the mocking features for AR so that it could be reused
easily. I was writing a merb app that used AR and I quickly began
missing the mock_model and other mock helpers found in rspec-rails. So,
I created a gem out of the plugin, installed it locally in my merb app I
just required ‘spec/rails/mocks’.

The gemspec file I created to do this was: do |s| = %q{rspec-rails}
s.version = “1.1.4”

s.specification_version = 2 if s.respond_to? :specification_version=

s.required_rubygems_version =“>= 0”) if
s.respond_to? :required_rubygems_version=
s.authors = [“RSpec Development Team”] = %q{2008-05-25}
s.default_executable = %q{spec}
s.description = %q{RSpec-Rails is an extension to RSpec to provide a
better environment for specing rails.} = %q{[email protected]}
s.extra_rdoc_files = [“README”, “CHANGES”, “MIT-LICENSE”]
s.files = [“CHANGES”, “MIT-LICENSE”, “Rakefile”, “README”,
“lib/autotest/discover.rb”, “lib/autotest/rails_rspec.rb”,
_group.rb”, “lib/spec/rails/example/functional_example_group.rb”,
b”, “lib/spec/rails/example/render_observer.rb”,
“lib/spec/rails/extensions/active_record/base.rb”, “lib/spec/rails/ex
“lib/spec/rails/matchers/assert_select.rb”, “li
“lib/spec/rails/matchers.rb”, “lib/spec/ra
ils/mocks.rb”, “lib/spec/rails/story_adapter.rb”,
“lib/spec/rails/version.rb”, “lib/spec/rails.rb”]
s.has_rdoc = true
s.homepage = %q{}
s.rdoc_options = [“–title”, “RSpec-Rails”, “–line-numbers”,
“–inline-source”, “–main”, “README”]
s.require_paths = [“lib”]
s.rubygems_version = %q{1.1.0}
s.summary = %q{RSpec-Rails-1.1.4 (build 20080526202855) - BDD for Ruby}

On Jun 3, 2008, at 11:31 AM, Ben M. wrote:

rspec-rails is a rails plugin, not a gem.
) David extracted the mocking features for AR so that it could be
s.version = “1.1.4” = %q{[email protected]}
example/view_example_group.rb", “lib/spec/rails/example.rb”, “lib/
b/spec/rails/matchers/have_text.rb”, "lib/spec/rails/matchers/
s.rubygems_version = %q{1.1.0}
s.summary = %q{RSpec-Rails-1.1.4 (build 20080526202855) - BDD for

I can grab this and add it or, if you want, you can gimme a git-patch.
Your call.


On Jun 3, 2008, at 11:55 AM, Ben M. wrote:

from github… there isn’t any .gemspec file or rake task that

s.authors = [“RSpec Development Team”]
_group.rb", “lib/spec/rails/example/functional_example_group.rb”,
base.rb", "lib/spec/rails/ex
s.has_rdoc = true
I can grab this and add it or, if you want, you can gimme a git-
patch. Your call.

I think a rake task like rspec has would be the best solution. I
will create a patch and enter it on lighthouse when I get some time.

Great. Thanks.

David C. wrote:

I have needed to use it as a gem before. Why? Well, with ticket do |s|
s.description = %q{RSpec-Rails is an extension to RSpec to provide a
s.has_rdoc = true
I can grab this and add it or, if you want, you can gimme a git-patch.
Your call.

I think a rake task like rspec has would be the best solution. I will
create a patch and enter it on lighthouse when I get some time.
