Bug involving condition variables

The following code generates a ThreadError (“not owner”, raised in
unlock_mutex_inner()). However, the ThreadError never gets reported at
the top level (even though my code is re-raising it and
Thread.abort_on_exception = true). A ThreadError that I raise directly
gets reported normally.

For 1.8.6-p114 (Linux), the output is:

#<ThreadError: not owner>

For 1.8.4, there is no output (so it looks like this difference has
something to do with the thread rewrite in 1.8.6).

If it doesn’t look like there’s some obvious stupidity, I’ll file a bug.

require ‘thread’

Thread.abort_on_exception = true

class MyQueue
def initialize
@q = []
@mutex = Mutex.new
@cond = ConditionVariable.new

def push(obj)
@mutex.synchronize do
@q << obj

def pop
@mutex.synchronize do
if ([email protected])
return last

   loop do
     if ([email protected])
       return last


queue = MyQueue.new

def wait(queue)
#raise ThreadError, “foo bar”
# why does this behave differently than
# the “not owner” ThreadError ?

without the rescue clause the program has no exceptions–why?

rescue ThreadError => ex
p ex
raise ex # Why no exception reported at top level?

Thread.new {wait(queue)}

sleep 0.01

Thread.new do
queue.push “foobar”

sleep 0.01

Same problem on OCI windows:

ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24 patchlevel 111) [i386-mswin32]


At Mon, 14 Jul 2008 15:12:16 +0900,
Joel VanderWerf wrote in [ruby-talk:308103]:

The following code generates a ThreadError (“not owner”, raised in
unlock_mutex_inner()). However, the ThreadError never gets reported at
the top level (even though my code is re-raising it and
Thread.abort_on_exception = true). A ThreadError that I raise directly
gets reported normally.

For 1.8.6-p114 (Linux), the output is:

#<ThreadError: not owner>

It seems like a bug of ext/thread in 1.8.6, and 1.8.7 doesn’t
have it.

Nobuyoshi N. wrote:

For 1.8.6-p114 (Linux), the output is:

#<ThreadError: not owner>

It seems like a bug of ext/thread in 1.8.6, and 1.8.7 doesn’t
have it.

I filed a bug report (#275), in case this can be fixed in 1.8.6 for
those of us who are timid about 1.8.7.