I’ve noticed when using Warbler to build WAR files for Merb
applications, that a tmp directory gets created in the WEB-INF directory
which contains all of the gems (again - they are already in
WEB-INF/gems) and ends up in the WAR file. This basically adds the total
amount of space required for the gems to the WAR (minimum 2 - 3 MB).
"In warbler 0.9.10, the entire “tmp” directory is placed underneath the
MERB_ROOT/tmp/war directory and then zipped into the WAR file. To remove
this unnecessary stuff, after you do “warble”, do the following:
cd tmp/war
rm -rf tmp
jar cvf …/…/name of your war file.war * This will regenerate the WAR
file and it will be at least 2-3 MB smaller than the original."
Not sure why the tmp dir goes in there with all of the gems, but it is
unnecessary as far as I can tell. I’ve done these steps several times
and my Merb. app works fine.
Note that this does not appear to occur for Rails apps.
"In warbler 0.9.10, the entire “tmp” directory is placed underneath the
Merb. app works fine.
Thanks for the report, I’ve noted it and will definitely look at it
before the next release.
Note that this does not appear to occur for Rails apps.
I’ve noticed when using Warbler to build WAR files for Merb applications,
that a tmp directory gets created in the WEB-INF directory which contains
all of the gems (again - they are already in WEB-INF/gems) and ends up in
the WAR file. This basically adds the total amount of space required for the
gems to the WAR (minimum 2 - 3 MB).
Not sure why the tmp dir goes in there with all of the gems, but it is
unnecessary as far as I can tell. I’ve done these steps several times and my
Merb. app works fine.
Thanks for the report, I’ve noted it and will definitely look at it
before the next release.
And of course if you feel like helping dig into it, Wes, we’d appreciate
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