Bug in ruby (1.8.7) hash: assignment executes code

Tested with: ruby 1.8.7 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 72) [i686-linux]

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

$VERBOSE = true

test_hash=Hash[“value” => exit]
puts “Never get’s executed.”

exit is executed and stops the application. Is this a wanted behavior?
Shouldn’t an error be thrown like:
NameError: undefined local variable or method `exit’ for

This bug can’t be abused for luck:

userinput=’%x[nc -lp 1234 -e /bin/bash]’
test_hash=Hash[“value” => userinput]

Doesn’t work because userinputs gets automatically threated like a
string. Nevertheless I think this isn’t a good behavior or?

On Sunday 18 January 2009 14:13:50 [email protected] wrote:

exit is executed and stops the application. Is this a wanted behavior?

Shouldn’t an error be thrown like: NameError: undefined local variable or
method `exit’ for

But this function (exit) does exist.

Doesn’t work because userinputs gets automatically threated like a string.
Nevertheless I think this isn’t a good behavior or?

I think you misunderstood what that does. {X => Y} is equivalent to

h = {}
h[X] = Y

that is, it assigns to hash result of expression Y. In your case the
expression is calling function exit(), then assigning return value of
function to the hash. Since exit doesn’t return and terminates the
program, it
is kind of nonsensical statement, nevertheless correct. It’s the same

def current_time
return Time.now

test_hash = Hash[“value” => current_time]
