Hi I don’t have access to the new bug system, so here is a patch to fix
a bug in the roles edit form, basically the table header and the table
body ended up getting out of sync due to one being sorted and the other
not, its a one liner fix as shown below.
*** …/…/svnengines/user_engine/app/views/role/_form.rhtml
2006-03-27 16:45:59.000000000 -0800
— vendor/plugins/user_engine/app/views/role/_form.rhtml
2006-03-28 17:59:50.733427091 -0800
*** 15,21 ****
! <% @all_actions.each_key do |controller_name|
controller_id = controller_name.gsub("/", “_”)
#perms_id = controller_id + “_perms”
— 15,21 ----
! <% @all_actions.keys.sort.each do |controller_name|
controller_id = controller_name.gsub("/", “_”)
#perms_id = controller_id + “_perms”
Can you describe the problem you had accessing the Collaboa site?
On 3/29/06, Jim M. [email protected] wrote:
*** 15,21 ****
James A. wrote:
Can you describe the problem you had accessing the Collaboa site?
On 3/29/06, Jim M. [email protected] wrote:
*** 15,21 ****
For some reason I was unable to reach it last night, I can try again,
but I also haven’t registered there yet.
James A. wrote:
Can you describe the problem you had accessing the Collaboa site?
On 3/29/06, Jim M. [email protected] wrote:
*** 15,21 ****
I still cannot access this site https://dev.rails-engines.org/ I get an
“unable to connect error”. That is the link from the
http://rails-engines.org/bugs page.
However I do seem to be able to get to the create new ticket link, so
I’ll do that.
That was a mistype on the wiki page (which I just corrected) - it’s
only HTTP, not HTTPS.
On 3/29/06, Jim M. [email protected] wrote:
I’ll do that.
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