does map.resources accept more than one :has_many ?
there seems to be a path helper only for the last one (eg abc_bar_path)
map.resources :abc,
:has_one => :user,
:has_many => :foo,
:has_many => :bar
if so, is this a bug?
(the abc_user_path helper is not overwritten tho)
Hi –
On Mon, 13 Aug 2007, linojon wrote:
if so, is this a bug?
(the abc_user_path helper is not overwritten tho)
No, it’s not a bug. It’s because of how Ruby hashes work. The last
three lines are all key/value pairs in a hash. Since hash keys are
unique, you can’t have two :has_many keys, so the last one clobbers
the previous one.
No, it’s not a bug. It’s because of how Ruby hashes work. The last
three lines are all key/value pairs in a hash. Since hash keys are
unique, you can’t have two :has_many keys, so the last one clobbers
the previous one.
So, use an array instead. :has_many => [:foo, :bar]
Rick O.