limit_req does not work with Nginx 1.1.16 - if used on different
levels. for a in seq 300; do wget -O /dev/null http://localhost:8081/; done
Exepected result: 503, result is always “502 bad gateway”.
Down below the config file.
On Mon, Mar 05, 2012 at 10:34:01AM -0500, double wrote:
limit_req does not work with Nginx 1.1.16 - if used on different
levels. for a inseq 300; do wget -O /dev/null http://localhost:8081/; done
Exepected result: 503, result is always “502 bad gateway”.
Down below the config file.
With such configuration the “limit_req zone=everything_ip
burst=50;” as specified on http level will be used to limit
requests (it’s inherited into “location /” and checked there
before try_file; the limit_req directive in @backend location
isn’t checked as we’ve already checked limit_req limits).
Furthermore, as the directive doesn’t have the “nodelay”
argument, it’s not expected to overflow the burst (and return 503)
if there is only single process doing requests (as in the sh
snippet above).
That is, there is no bug here. Probably there is a room for
improvement though, as currently separate limiting of a location
after try_files is only possible if there were no limits in the
location with try_files.
Maxim D.
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