Bug in how Ruby 2.1,2.2 handles Encoding::ConverterNotFoundError


“\x80”.force_encoding(“ASCII-8BIT”).encode( Encoding::Emacs_Mule)

raises an Encoding::ConverterNotFoundError on all rubies

On all rubies except for mri 2.1 and 2.2, encoding with the invalid
option has no effect. But on 2.1 and 2.2, it replaces the “\x80” ==
128.chr with the replace string (‘?’, 63.chr)

for each ruby version with UTF-8 encoding
[“1.9.2”, “ruby”, #Encoding:UTF-8, #Encoding:UTF-8, 128]
[“1.9.3”, “ruby”, #Encoding:UTF-8, #Encoding:UTF-8, 128]
[“2.0.0”, “ruby”, #Encoding:UTF-8, #Encoding:UTF-8, 128]
[“2.1.5”, “ruby”, #Encoding:UTF-8, #Encoding:UTF-8, 63]
[“2.2.0”, “ruby”, #Encoding:UTF-8, #Encoding:UTF-8, 63]
[“2.0.0”, “jruby”, #Encoding:UTF-8, #Encoding:UTF-8, 128]
[“2.1.0”, “rbx”, #Encoding:UTF-8, #Encoding:UTF-8, 128]

[“1.9.3”, “jruby”, #Encoding:UTF-8, #Encoding:UTF-8, 128]
[“2.0.0”, “jruby”, #Encoding:UTF-8, #Encoding:UTF-8, 128]

Here’s my test code

ruby -e ‘p [RUBY_VERSION, RUBY_ENGINE, Encoding.default_external,
=> :replace).bytes.to_a’

for version in 1.9 2.0; do
export JRUBY_OPTS=“-Xcompat.version=${version}” ;
rvm jruby-1.7.18 do
ruby -e ‘p [RUBY_VERSION, RUBY_ENGINE, Encoding.default_external,
=> :replace).bytes.to_a’ ; done

For the particularly curious, this is relevant to a PR I have for

String#encode converts to Encoding.default_internal by default, not
And default_internal is nil by default, it doesn’t change the encoding.
In this case, it had done nothing, except for just making a copy, till

But as many people made same mistake like yours, expecting invalid
chars were removed/replaced, the behavior has changed since 2.1 to
replace such chars if
:replace is given.

Nobuyoshi N. wrote in post #1166362:

Thank you! That is very helpful!

But as many people made same mistake like yours, expecting invalid
chars were removed/replaced,

Actually, I’ve just been reading code and testing and observing what
Ruby does.

I was asked why the behavior changed and I didn’t know, since it is
reasonable for Ruby to ignore the :invalid directive when no converter
is found,

Thank you so much!


p.s. Now I just need to figure out how all the Rubies reconcile the
:undef, :invalid, and :replace with :fallback

I don’t really know C, but it appears to me from the code that :invalid
and :undef are called before :fallback (ecflags?)