Bug in eager loading and polymorphic associations?

Hi friends, i’m usgin the edge version because i need eager loading on
polymorphic associations support, but i see this:

Message.find(:first, :include => :owner) #This generate this query:
Message Load (0.000389) SELECT * FROM messages
User Load (0.001070) SELECT * FROM users WHERE (users.id IN

And this Message.find(:first, :include => :owner, :limit => 1)
generate this:
Message Load (0.000460) SELECT * FROM messages LIMIT 1
User Load (0.000318) SELECT * FROM users WHERE (users.id IN (2))

Both querys return me the correct owner of message, but in the first
query AR fetch an aditional record, anyboby know why?


Fdavila wrote:

Hi friends, i’m usgin the edge version because i need eager loading on
polymorphic associations support, but i see this:


Well in the first case it seems to have ignored your :first. It’s
probably a bug.


Turns out that this was something that has been lurking for a long
time. it’s fixed now
(Changeset: Changeset [361aaa04ef2f33cb1fe49497c73bc13e6b72addc] by Aliaksey Kandratsenka - Ruby on Rails - rails