I went through about a 120 bugs this evening, fixing a bunch, applying
patches for a bunch, closing a bunch that were already working,
backporting a few fixes, assigning some to specific versions or
committers, and adding various comments.
Those of you on the JIRA mailing list will have gotten a lot of
spam…sorry about that. But for all of you that have reported issues,
please check over your issues and see if there’s any follow-up required.
A bunch had patches but were missing tests. Some had almost no
information or needed at least a little more digging. Others, I couldn’t
make heads nor tails of.
I got as far as JRUBY-1248 counting down…I’ll try to continue early
next week.
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As you continue the triage, if you see windows-related bugs, assign
them to me. I have a couple already and I might as well push through
them all at once.
On 10/20/07, Charles Oliver N. [email protected] wrote:
make heads nor tails of.
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[email protected] wrote:
As you continue the triage, if you see windows-related bugs, assign
them to me. I have a couple already and I might as well push through
them all at once.
You’re a brave, brave man. It shall be done.
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Today, I stopped at 1139; same request applies.
Charles Oliver N. wrote:
make heads nor tails of.
I got as far as JRUBY-1248 counting down…I’ll try to continue early
next week.
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