i wanted to file a bug in the rubyonrails trac, since trac is currently
broken, i am writing this here. maybe there is a solution allready:
auto_complete_for has no support for umlauts. this i a very big problem
for non-english developers out there, since almost everything searched
for contains umlauts.
check that the database encoding is UTF8 (in PostgreSQL: Unicode) -
sqlite on win32 should not be a problem
add a meta value to serve unicode documents to your layout
tried everywhere with mongrel, works perfectly with umlauts (don’t
forget that you english speaking ppl might use the term “doppelgänger”
which is an english term with umlauts!)
this should also work for apache.
hope some other guys also post solutions, since i found loooooots of
unanswered questions on this list/forum.
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