e$B%A%1%C%He(B #591 e$B$,99?7$5$l$^$7$?!#e(B (by Martin De$(D+de(Brst)
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e$B%A%1%C%He(B #591 e$B$,99?7$5$l$^$7$?!#e(B (by Martin De$(D+de(Brst)
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In message “Re: [ruby-dev:36504] Bug #591 io.c e$B$Ne(B
rb_io_extract_modeenc e$B$GJQ?te(B has_vmode e$B$OITMQ$+e(B?”
on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 17:06:05 +0900, Martin De.AeN|rst
[email protected] writes:
|e$B$4$a$s$J$5$$!#$3$A$i$N4*0c$$$G$7$?!#e(Bgoto e$B$^$GFI$a$J$+$C$?$G$9!#e(B
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