Buffer too small with fft length 1024 in OFDM Transmitter

Hello guys,

I am currently trying to transmit data from one SDR which is HACK RF One to another using OFDM in GNURadio. I got this to work with the default fft length of 64.

Now I am trying to do this with 1024 fft length but I am getting the following error.

thread[thread-per-block[11]: <block ofdm_cyclic_prefixer(14)>]: Buffer too small for min_noutput_items

Anyone know how to fix this?

I have played around with different lengths of the cyclic prefix but to no avail.

Also, I have seen a post from 2014, where it is suggested to increase the GR_FIXED_BUFFER_SIZE from 32k to 128k. I have installed GNURadio using PyBombs. I would like to know the process of doing this as well.


Hey Unique_reflection,

I’m having the same problem. Did you ever figure out a solution?
