Hi all,
I have some doubt on the time domain view of bpsk signal generated in
Gnuradio and usrp. I used psk mod block in GRC (sps =2) and created bpsk
(baseband )waveform with vector source producing 0,1,1 continuously.
When I plotted the output of psk mod block using scope sink, I seen
waveform of constant 1 for some samples (for 0) , inverted root-raised
cosine waveform (for 1) and another inverted root-raised cosine waveform
(for 1). This is repeated continuously and i understand that it because
transmit pulse shaping.
Now, the question is when I give this signal to USRP for transmission,
the time-domain view of that waveform look like? Will it look like
sinusoid signal with 180deg phase shift as we all seen in stand.
communication text books? I guess it will not the case. I tried
multiplying the baseband waveform with signal source (complex) –
mathematical equivalent of what happening in usrp – and seen waveform.
smooth shift of 180deg.
If anyone having usrp and digital oscilloscope, could you please send me
the pic of time domain view of output of usrp?