Booksales @Rubyconf?

Will someone be setting up a bookstand at Rubyconf? I see this at
quite a few tech conferences. If so, I’d appreciate a pointer to
whoever’s doing it. -Tim

On 10/10/06, Tim B. [email protected] wrote:

Will someone be setting up a bookstand at Rubyconf? I see this at
quite a few tech conferences. If so, I’d appreciate a pointer to
whoever’s doing it. -Tim

Hi Tim. Nothing planned as of now, no. We tried to get something set
up for RailsConf and it fell through. RubyConf being smaller, we
didn’t try.

Tim B. wrote:

Will someone be setting up a bookstand at Rubyconf? I see this at
quite a few tech conferences. If so, I’d appreciate a pointer to
whoever’s doing it. -Tim

I had hoped/believed there would be sales there, but it appears
there will not.

Maybe a few freebies…


On 10/10/06, Hal F. [email protected] wrote:

Tim B. wrote:

Will someone be setting up a bookstand at Rubyconf? I see this at
quite a few tech conferences. If so, I’d appreciate a pointer to
whoever’s doing it. -Tim

I had hoped/believed there would be sales there, but it appears
there will not.

Any chance SoftPro might be interested (even at this late date)?
They are local, and have been interested in things like this in the

pat eyler wrote:

Any chance SoftPro might be interested (even at this late date)?
They are local, and have been interested in things like this in the

I doubt it… Addison-Wesley wanted to sell, but they told me
David had logistical problems with it.


Hal F. wrote:


It actually doesn’t sound like a great sales opportunity. First of all,
there are only about 200 potential customers. Second, they’re all
presumably interested enough in Ruby that they have all the Ruby books
they want already.

Matt L. wrote:

– Matt
It’s not what I know that counts. It’s what I can remember in time to use.

Yeah, and I’ve got most of them too :slight_smile:

On Thu, 12 Oct 2006, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky wrote:

It actually doesn’t sound like a great sales opportunity. First of all,
there are only about 200 potential customers. Second, they’re all
presumably interested enough in Ruby that they have all the Ruby books
they want already.

No I don’t! Besides, a number of the other PragProg titles are also

– Matt
It’s not what I know that counts.
It’s what I can remember in time to use.

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky wrote:

It actually doesn’t sound like a great sales opportunity. First of all,
there are only about 200 potential customers. Second, they’re all
presumably interested enough in Ruby that they have all the Ruby books
they want already.

It ended up being closer to 340, I think. And none of those
have the 2nd edition. :wink: Well, except me.

There will still be a rep there, though.


Hal F. wrote:

There will still be a rep there, though.


I was just gonna ask you about that – when will it be available, and is
it PDF-friendly?

On 10/11/06, Hal F. [email protected] wrote:

ink is dry.
will be mistakes in it. I hate that.


How do we go about purchasing a copy at rubyconf? Will you be setting
up shop in your hotel room room for the true bookworms?

  • Rob

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky wrote:

I was just gonna ask you about that – when will it be available, and is
it PDF-friendly?

Should be available within two weeks.

There should be some at the conf, but I think they’re shipped
directly from the printer. So blow on them to make sure the
ink is dry.

As for PDF-friendly – I think you can get it through Safari.
Beyond that, I don’t know.

I’m a bit nervous about its debut, simply because my eyes were
opened with the first edition. Though I myself have made
multiple passes over each page, though it all has been pored
over by two (sometimes more) tech editors, though it has all
gone by the copyeditor and the development editor and reviewers
and probably two or three people I don’t know about, there still
will be mistakes in it. I hate that.


Rob S. wrote:

How do we go about purchasing a copy at rubyconf? Will you be setting
up shop in your hotel room room for the true bookworms?

I think they’ll have a few to give away maybe. Beyond that,
online bookstores are your friend.


On Oct 12, 2006, at 1:08 AM, Rob S. wrote:

How do we go about purchasing a copy at rubyconf? Will you be setting
up shop in your hotel room room for the true bookworms?

Think sounds so cool…

“Pssst… Hey man, you been to Hal’s room yet? He’s got what you
need. Take your money…”

James Edward G. II

On Thu, 12 Oct 2006, Hal F. wrote:

I’m a bit nervous about its debut, simply because my eyes were
opened with the first edition. Though I myself have made
multiple passes over each page, though it all has been pored
over by two (sometimes more) tech editors, though it has all
gone by the copyeditor and the development editor and reviewers
and probably two or three people I don’t know about, there still
will be mistakes in it. I hate that.

Blame your cat. He snuck in and changed things while you were asleep.

– Matt
It’s not what I know that counts.
It’s what I can remember in time to use.

Matt L. wrote:

Blame your cat. He snuck in and changed things while you were asleep.

Far worse than the mistakes are the clumsy bits. Right now, the
prose probably appears reasonably clean and polished. That’s
mostly because, at this point, you’re incapable of reading it.

Years after the fact, when you take the book off your shelves and
glance through it, you’ll be stunned by how bad the exposition is
and how awkward it all feels.
