I’m looking for a book on GNU Radio,
and the only thing that I can find is this book:
However, it is out of print. Does anyone know how I might be able to
obtain a paper or PDF copy of the book? Does anyone have a used copy for
Steve McMahon
On Sat, Nov 27, 2010 at 10:28 PM, Steve M.
[email protected]wrote:
I’m looking for a book on GNU Radio,
and the only thing that I can find is this book:
However, it is out of print. Does anyone know how I might be able to obtain
a paper or PDF copy of the book? Does anyone have a used copy for sale?
As it says in the “review” on that page, the book was canceled and never
made it to print. I guess the only way to obtain it, if it was ever
is to ask the author. Maybe he can put it on Lulu or something.
The Cory Clark book was announced but never published - Amazon’s “out
of print” designation is kind of misleading on that score. I know of
two books that specifically address GNU Radio and the USRP:
“Artificial Intelligence in Wireless Communications” by Tom R.
and Charles Bostian,
and “Cognitive Radio Communications and Networks: Principles and
Practice” by Alex Wyglinski, Maziar Nekovee, and Thomas Hou,
I am working on cognitive ad-hoc networks, and I have found both of
them very useful. Whether you will find them equally useful depends on
your technical background and on what you want to accomplish with GNU
Radio, so you should take advantage of Amazon’s “Look Inside” feature.
Neither book is intended as a textbook on GNU Radio and the USRP,
although the Wyglinski book is closer to that than the
Rondeau/Bostian. I’m a software engineer with a ham license, but I
have coworkers who can help me fill in the gaps in my
signal-processing knowledge.
On Sat, Nov 27, 2010 at 4:28 PM, Steve M.
I am not a lawyer, but that looks to me like a very clear violation
of copyright, and I want no part of it. Buy the books if you’re going
to use them. The authors deserve to be paid for their work. You can
always return the books if they’re really not useful.
Both books are available through http://www.downarchive.com
Search for the names, it will take you to links where you can download
Try before you buy 