Bones 3.0.0

bones version 3.0.0
by Tim P. | your community gem host


Mr Bones is a handy tool that creates new Ruby projects from a code
skeleton. The skeleton contains some starter code and a collection of
tasks to ease the management and deployment of your source code. Several
Bones plugins are available for creating git repositories, creating
projects, running various test suites and source code analysis tools.


== 2.5.1 / 2009-05-12


  • gem install bones

If you would like some extra functinoality the following plugins can be

  • gem install bones-git
  • gem install bones-extras

The ‘bones-git’ gem provides command line options for generating a git
repository and pushing to github upon creation. Rake tasks for working
the git repository are also provided.

The ‘bones-extras’ gem provides rake tasks for running Rspec tests,
Rcov on your source code, and pushing releases to RubyForge. You will
need to
have the corresponding gems installed for these tasks to be loaded.


To create a new “Get Fuzzy” project:

bones create get_fuzzy

If you ever get confused about what Mr Bones can do:

bones --help

After your project is created, you can view all the available

rake bones:options

Detailed information about the options (or a subset of options) can also

rake bones:help #=> for all options
rake bones:help gem #=> for the “gem” subset


Mr Bones is configurable, helpful, and it simplifies project

Mr Bones simplifies project creation by using a code template for
a new working area for your code. This skeleton is customizable, and you
have multiple skeletons for various types of projects you work on - ruby
libraries, web applications, or even writing projects.

When working with Rake, Mr Bones provides a set of tasks that help
common development tasks. These tasks include …

  • release announcements
  • gem packaging and management
  • releasing to gemcutter and rubyforge
  • documentation
  • annotation listing (TODO, FIXME, etc)
  • testing

The provided rake tasks are configured using a “Bones” configuration
block in
the Rakefile. You can obtain a list of the available options and
help for each option by running the various “bones” tasks (use “rake -T”
list the available tasks). Although there are many configuration
options, the
vast majority of them have sensible defaults; tailor to suit your needs
in the
Bones configuration block.

Mr Bones can be extended via plugins. The plugins provide new rake tasks
configuration options for those tasks. Other developers can release
plugins to
automate the use of their libraries in a bones enabled system.

Currently there are a “bones-git” plugin for interacting with github and
repositories and a “bones-extras” plugin for working with Rcov,
and Rspec.

There is far more information available in the Mr Bones manual.

Tim P. wrote:

bones version 3.0.0

== 2.5.1 / 2009-05-12

A bit of a puzzle at first, but now I see that 3.0.0 is available on
gemcutter, while the latest on rubyforge is still 2.5.1.

Oh, thanks for the git extension.

On Nov 8, 2009, at 2:45 PM, Joel VanderWerf wrote:

Tim P. wrote:

bones version 3.0.0

== 2.5.1 / 2009-05-12

A bit of a puzzle at first, but now I see that 3.0.0 is available on
gemcutter, while the latest on rubyforge is still 2.5.1.

Oh, thanks for the git extension.

In the midst of my release frenzy last night I screwed up the
announcement text for Mr Bones; hence, the oddball changes section.
The History file has been updated and you can read it on the github
site if you so desire:

And yes, gemcutter is fully supported by Mr Bones. The RubyForge
release code is available in the bones-extras gem if someone still
needs it.


Tim P. wrote:


To create a new “Get Fuzzy” project:

bones create get_fuzzy

Sweet. When do we get this?
$ bones create --railsapp get_fuzzy

I shiver just to think of it :wink:

You can use any git repository as your project skeleton. The “bort”
rails template out on github is very popular. Take a gander at the Mr
Bones manual for more information on project skeletons (you can roll
your own for different kinds of projects).
