Blogs - Mephisto, Typo and


I don’t want to start a “my blogging software is better than yours”
thing here, but what are the alternatives to the big two?

As far as I can see neithyer has been updated since 2006. Why? is it
because they are fine as they are? They are great, but I’m surprised
that no one hasn’t come up with something else just for the hell of

I’m in the process of switching to radiant for my site. It has basic
blogging functionality and most everything else you’ll need is
available in extensions.

Yeah that is rather neat. Lighter and fairly straight forward.

On Apr 4, 2:40 pm, “randomutterings…” [email protected]


Typo v5.0.3 was released about 40 days ago. Why do you think it was last
updated in 2006?

Kind regards


I don’t want to start a “my blogging software is better than yours”
thing here, but what are the alternatives to the big two?

Although it too doesn’t look like it’s been updated in awhile…

I don’t actually know anymore. I’m sure when I was on the site I found
the last download was 2006, but as you say, it’s still very much

Apologies Typo people.

On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 6:11 AM, Col W.
[email protected] wrote:


I don’t want to start a “my blogging software is better than yours”
thing here, but what are the alternatives to the big two?

As far as I can see neithyer has been updated since 2006. Why? is it
because they are fine as they are? They are great, but I’m surprised
that no one hasn’t come up with something else just for the hell of


Rick O.

On Fri, 4 Apr 2008, Rick O. wrote:


Wow, did you just use the P word? :slight_smile:

The interesting thing about blogs is they are sort of a gateway drug for
dynamic sites. I think you will likely find a decent amount of projects
that include blog functionality, but may have some other larger
purpose/slant. Radient, as mentioned, is one example.
I’m a developer on the Kete (Māori word for basket) project, found at and itself an instance of Kete, and you can set up a
basket homepage to present itself in a fairly blog like fashion.

So you might widen your net to see if there is a larger application that
will suit.
