Do you know any good software to block msn or other chat tools,many
employees have wasted many time to chatting with other people during the
working time
On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 1:13 AM, Rihana L. [email protected]
Do you know any good software to block msn or other chat tools,many
employees have wasted many time to chatting with other people during the
working timePosted via
Why not just uninstall them?
Josh C. wrote:
Why not just uninstall them?
…the employees, that is.
i.e. have a policy which says no MSN chatting in working time,
disciplinary action if policy breached.
You can block access to MSN’s chat servers at your firewall, but there
are ways people will get round them (e.g. using web gateways into chat
systems). If you allow your employees any access to the Internet, there
will always be ways they can waste time on it. And if you block it,
they’ll just MSN-chat or facebook on their mobile phone.
I don’t see how this topic has anything to do with the Ruby programming
Rihana L. wrote:
Do you know any good software to block msn or other chat tools,many
employees have wasted many time to chatting with other people during the
working time
Here are some smart msn spy software can block or record msn/aim
conversations. BTY,it’s not a wise choic to block some chatting
tools!You have to find another better way to solution question.