Block given to Array::join

I’m a newby in this Forum and in Ruby, but I want give my contribution.

class Array
alias oldJoin join
def join(sep=’’)
res=self {|el| yield el} if block_given?

What you things about-it?

Thank in advance, for any comments.

Whoops. Never mind.

I’m looking for suggestions on how I might parse this data.

addrmap_ntimc0 = insFld(foldersTree, gFld(“ntimc0 @0x0.0x0.0x0”,
addrmap_ntimc0_ntimc_core = insFld(addrmap_ntimc0, gFld(“ntimc_core
@0x0.0x0.0x0”, “ntimc0_doc.html#addrmap_ntimc0_ntimc_core”))
reg_ntimc0_ntimc_core_CFG = insDoc(addrmap_ntimc0_ntimc_core,
gLnk(“R”, “CFG @0x0.0x0.0x0”,

addrmap_ntimc1 = insFld(foldersTree, gFld(“ntimc1 @0x1.0x0.0x0”,
addrmap_ntimc1_ntimc_core = insFld(addrmap_ntimc1, gFld(“ntimc_core
@0x1.0x0.0x0”, “ntimc1_doc.html#addrmap_ntimc1_ntimc_core”))
reg_ntimc1_ntimc_core_CFG = insDoc(addrmap_ntimc1_ntimc_core,
gLnk(“R”, “CFG @0x1.0x0.0x0”,

What I want to do is group everything starting with the line that
includes insFld(foldersTree,

So in this abbreviated data, that would be the first line
(addrmap_ntimc0) up to the line prior to (addrmap_ntimc1).

Normally I would use read in the file, assign it to a variable and then
use someVariable.split(" insFld(foldersTree,")

However, in this case I want everything from the beginning of that line
too. Any ideas? Maybe a different way to parse this data?


On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 9:37 PM, Salvatore nashcrash
[email protected] wrote:


What you things about-it?

I am thinking that this version is in no way better than using #map
and #join explicitly. If you want to make this more efficient, you’d
at least have to do something like this

class Array
def join(sep = ‘’, &b)
b ||= lambda {|x| x}
s = nil

each do |e|
  if s
    s << sep
    s = ''
  end << (b[e].to_s)



I am not sure though that this is such a great idea because you can
usually do this via #inject.

Kind regards


On Thu, 03 Jan 2013 22:13:14 +0100, Wayne B. [email protected]

Normally I would use read in the file, assign it to a variable and then use
someVariable.split(" insFld(foldersTree,")
However, in this case I want everything from the beginning of that line too. Any
ideas? Maybe a different way to parse this data?

For a very simple ugly solution, you could use a regex with lookahead.

someVariable.split(/(?= insFld(foldersTree,)/)

This would essentially split before every occurence (as the match itself
would be zero-width; the contents of lookahead expression are not
matched, only its “presence”).

See Regex Tutorial - Lookahead and Lookbehind Zero-Length Assertions for more :slight_smile:

On Jan 3, 2013, at 3:23 PM, Matma R. wrote:

This would essentially split before every occurence (as the match itself would
be zero-width; the contents of lookahead expression are not matched, only its

See Regex Tutorial - Lookahead and Lookbehind Zero-Length Assertions for more :slight_smile:

Close What this gets me is:

insFld(foldersTree, gFld(“ntimc0 @0x0.0x0.0x0”,
addrmap_ntimc0_ntimc_core = insFld(addrmap_ntimc0, gFld(“ntimc_core
@0x0.0x0.0x0”, “ntimc0_doc.html#addrmap_ntimc0_ntimc_core”))
reg_ntimc0_ntimc_core_CFG = insDoc(addrmap_ntimc0_ntimc_core,
gLnk(“R”, “CFG @0x0.0x0.0x0”,

reg_ntimc0_cfg_node_node_scratch = insDoc(addrmap_ntimc0_cfg_node,
gLnk(“R”, “node_scratch @0x0.0xff.0x20”,
addrmap_ntimc1 =

What I also need the start of the line (in this case addrmap_ntimc0 = &
the addrmap_ntimc1 would belong to the next capture array item.)

I struggled with this for a while and couldn’t come up with a great
solution. I’m hoping somebody here would have an easy fix for me. :wink:
I’ll sleep on this and see what I can come up with tomorrow AM.

Thanks Matma!


Thanks tamouse and Matma. In the end I cheated. While certainly not
pretty, or efficient , I opted for a two-pass read. First time through I
look for a match of the “insFld(foldersTree, gFld”, then I simply added

to the beginning of the line and replaced that in my array. During

the next read I simply split on the three hash symbols. It’s so much
easier to split knowing what is at the beginning of a section, than text
in the middle. :wink:

Thanks again to both of you.


On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 6:16 PM, Wayne B. [email protected]

On Jan 3, 2013, at 3:23 PM, Matma R. wrote:

On Thu, 03 Jan 2013 22:13:14 +0100, Wayne B. [email protected] wrote:

Normally I would use read in the file, assign it to a variable and then use
someVariable.split(" insFld(foldersTree,")
However, in this case I want everything from the beginning of that line too.
Any ideas? Maybe a different way to parse this data?

Something like this?

data = <<-EOF
addrmap_ntimc0 = insFld(foldersTree, gFld(“ntimc0 @0x0.0x0.0x0”,
addrmap_ntimc0_ntimc_core = insFld(addrmap_ntimc0,
gFld(“ntimc_core @0x0.0x0.0x0”,
reg_ntimc0_ntimc_core_CFG = insDoc(addrmap_ntimc0_ntimc_core,
gLnk(“R”, “CFG @0x0.0x0.0x0”,

addrmap_ntimc1 = insFld(foldersTree, gFld(“ntimc1 @0x1.0x0.0x0”,
addrmap_ntimc1_ntimc_core = insFld(addrmap_ntimc1,
gFld(“ntimc_core @0x1.0x0.0x0”,
reg_ntimc1_ntimc_core_CFG = insDoc(addrmap_ntimc1_ntimc_core,
gLnk(“R”, “CFG @0x1.0x0.0x0”,

data.lines.each do |l|
(lval,rval) = l.strip.split(/\s*=\s*/)
p “lval=#{lval}”
p “rval=#{rval}”



rval=insFld(foldersTree, gFld(“ntimc0 @0x0.0x0.0x0”,
rval=insFld(addrmap_ntimc0, gFld(“ntimc_core @0x0.0x0.0x0”,
rval=insDoc(addrmap_ntimc0_ntimc_core, gLnk(“R”, “CFG @0x0.0x0.0x0”,
rval=insFld(foldersTree, gFld(“ntimc1 @0x1.0x0.0x0”,
rval=insFld(addrmap_ntimc1, gFld(“ntimc_core @0x1.0x0.0x0”,
rval=insDoc(addrmap_ntimc1_ntimc_core, gLnk(“R”, “CFG @0x1.0x0.0x0”,

(gmail’s line folding will probably mess that up, so here’s a gist:
parsing some data in ruby · GitHub)

Robert K. wrote in post #1090972:

I am thinking that this version is in no way better than using #map
and #join explicitly.

Not better. Only simpler…
I love the elegance that you can get by

elements.join(", ") {|a|}

instead of {|a|}
names.join(", ")

although I realize that’s not a big deal… :wink:

If you want to make this more efficient, you’d
at least have to do something like this
I am not sure though that this is such a great idea because you can
usually do this via #inject.

Well, Thanks you very much for explanation and details. :slight_smile: