Bizarre? Logging: $variable_* vs $upstream_http_*

Consider this configuration fragment:

log_format test_log ‘TEST: [$origin_ip] [$upstream_http_content_type]’;

location / {
access_log /tmp/test.log test_log;
set $origin_ip $upstream_http_content_type;

proxy_pass   ;


Why am I seeing this in the log file “test.log”?

TEST: []

Why is set not being loaded with $upstream_http_content_type? Shouldn’t
I see:


Any ideas?

Posted at Nginx Forum:

If this is expected behavior how to I go about passing information when
an internal redirect is involved between two different locations.

For example:

Location /u1 {
set $remember $upstream_http_content_type;
error_page 404 403 = @error;


Location @error {
# recall $remember here, perhaps for logging.

Posted at Nginx Forum:


On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 03:16:26AM -0500, icqheretic wrote:

Directive “set” executes at rewrite phase, before proxy even
starts working. As a result $origin_ip will be empty.

Maxim D.

Thanks, Max. If that’s the case then calling set in the @error location
a lo tof sense. However, $remember, is still coming back blank –
perphaps someting to do with the error_page directive?

Any ideas or alternatives for remembering the header information (to be
recalled in @error) would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Posted at Nginx Forum:


On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 03:19:10AM -0500, icqheretic wrote:

If this is expected behavior how to I go about passing information when an internal redirect is involved between two different locations.

For example:

Location /u1 {
set $remember $upstream_http_content_type;

  •   set $remember $upstream_http_content_type;
  proxy_pass   ;
  error_page 404 403 = @error;


Location @error {

  •   set $remember $upstream_http_content_type;
  # recall $remember here, perhaps for logging.


Maxim D.

I was wrong, it DOES work. It helps to edit the right config file
sometimes. :slight_smile: Sorry, Max.

Posted at Nginx Forum: