Okay guys, I’ve been beating my head against the wall with this one
all day and was hoping I might garner some enlightenment from the
gathered geniuses. I am including some pared down code to demonstrate
my issue.
Basically, I want my form builder to automatically add an :onchange
handler to a specific form field (for my example, I am using
an :onclick with a generic form builder).
My problem is that unless I pass in at least one hash value to the
field helper, the option doesn’t get added. i.e.:
These work (the onclick will get added):
<%= f.text_field :title, :class => 'sexy' %>
<%= f.text_field :title, :label => 'Topic' %>
[code]<%= f.text_field :title, :class => ‘sexy’, :label => ‘Topic’ %>[/
This does not (no onclick, very sad):
<%= f.text_field :title %>
I have appended question marks to the blocks in question below.
class ExampleFormBuilder < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder
def self.create_tagged_field(method_name)
define_method(method_name) do |attr, *args|
options = args.extract_options!
# ?? This doesn't work unless the field helper in the view is
passing in a hash of options. ??
#options.merge!(:onclick => "alert('foo');")
# ?? Direct assignment doesn't work either ??
#options[:onclick] = "alert('foo');"
label_text = "#{options[:label] || attr.to_s.humanize}:"
label = @template.content_tag('label', label_text, :for => "#
# remove my custom hash key so it doesn't pollute the output
options.delete_if {|key, value| key == :label}
# ?? I don't need to do this, but why ??
#args = (args << options) unless options.blank?
@template.content_tag('p', label + '<br />' + super)
field_helpers.each do |name|
Even if I am not passing in a hash, the extract_options! command
should create a hash object from the args, so I don’t know what I’m
missing here.
My second part to this question is around the splat operator, *args,
and options. Let’s say I pass the field helper the option :class =>
‘sexy’. Now, since I am extracting the options hash from the args, I
assumed I needed to add them back in before calling super. But
spookily enough, I don’t. Do the options extracted from *args maintain
a reference, or am I missing something completely obvious.
Any and all help would be massively appreciated. I will even send you
a facebook gift.