I’ve seen a number of projects over the years that were trying to hook
up a CORBA orb to Ruby …
I’d really like to see that happen …
I mean, take Orbit2 for instance, they provide C, C++, & Python bindings
And, there are others, that have done the exact same …
I very much need access to a corba object network from my Ruby code (
I’m supporting some legacy apps that aren’t going to get rewritten ) …
I know I can, if I take a lot of time, write the Ruby->Orbit2 ( or which
every orb people want to bind… ) binding myself … But, it’s not my
forte. There are a LOT of people out there that have done work on
implementing bindings, and I see this as something that is definately a
- for people that are trying to use Ruby as that enterprise glue.
I know a lot of people are all about SOA and REST/SOAP etc … but,
there are apps out there that just AREN’T coded that way …
Anyways, if I can get some guidance, I’d very much appreciate it … I
kinda need it and feel y’all are the best people to ask.
Let me know what you think / how you feel.
Ciao for now.