first, I guess I’ve to apologize in some way, because I was the OP last
week and you kindly, very quickly, posted a suggestion on pastebin and I
was completely ignorant. Actually, I was in limbo because I had so many
questions and didn’t know where to start.
Joel VanderWerf wrote:
Can you describe the nesting you are trying to do?
Currently, I’m writing a reader for the BSP file format, as described
here: Unofficial Quake 3 Map Specs
The week before, I was writing a MD3 model reader, which works already
thanks to bit-struct 
Back to the BSP format: since it uses some fixed arrays, and it was one
of your post which suggested binaryparse, I tried that one and succeeded
so far, except the following:
it was incredible hart to get into binaryparse as you basically
have to learn from the source, as there’s no real usable rdoc doc
probably due 1), I’ve no idea how to read float values with it. I
just don’t get it, I guess
It does not seem to have out of the box
support, however it seems to provide some kind of support via custom
packing/unpacking, but I can’t figure out how.
Due 2), I don’t support reading the lumps containing floats ATM. Right
now I don’t need them, but reading all data is the goal.
char :s, 5*8
unsigned :x, 5
unsigned :y, 3
char :s, 5*8
class Container < BitStruct
vector :n, MyEntry, “some entries”, :length => 2
Now, I wouldn’t mind going back to bit-struct for the BSP reading stuff,
as I find the documentation outstanding well! However, through
binaryparse I discovered one thing I’m really enjoying: it supports
direct reading from an IO-type object. So I can pass either a File IO or
an StringIO object directory, which is really comfortable.
Maybe bit-struct supports that in some way, but I couldn’t find
anything. Basically, with bit-struct I’ve to know how much to pass to a
BitStruct class. Binaryparse, in contrast, uses the given structure
information to know itself how much to consume.
class Header < BinaryBlocker::Blocker
has_one …
has_one …
class Datadir < BinaryBlocker::Blocker
io = File.new(“data”)
Header.new io
Datadir.new io
That’s really nice compared to
Header.new io.read(Header.round_byte_length)
Datadir.new io.read(Datadir.round_byte_length)
But I can see that there are different philosophies at work, given that
it’s named round_byte_length, because reading single bits wouldn’t be
really possible that way, therefore the “rest” reader …
About your upcoming addition and your example: how would a simple
integer array look like?
C-struct example:
typedef struct {
float normal[3];
float dist;
} dplane_t;
Ruby (?):
class MyFloat < BitStruct
float :value, 32
class Plane < BitStruct
vector :normal, MyFloat, :length => 3
float :dist, 32
This wold mean I need to access plane.normal[0].value I guess … having
not to need the additional .value would be nice, e.g.
class Plane < BitStruct
vector :normal, :length => 3 do
float 32
float :dist, 32
Would multiple dimension be supported, too? Like C-style float[2][2] ?
class Plane < BitStruct
vector :normal, :length => 3 do
vector :length => 3 od
float 32
float :dist, 32
Ok, I think it’s getting out of control now 