BFTS (was Re: RubySpec Wiki in full swing)

Brian M. wrote:

That has been forked off into oblivion it seems. Ryan D. started
the BFTS project not long after RubyConf05 but it is only available in
a perforce repository last I heard. I am still interested in working
on stuff like this but I personally think that the project should be
much more open and available [1].

[1] No offense meant to the efforts that have been made. It just isn’t
a very visible project and that hurts awareness and possible

Well … you’re not the only one who wants to get their hands on BFTS.
:slight_smile: Maybe that’s part of the problem – rather than a “BF” test suite,
there should be a “BF” collection of little test suites, contributed by
users with various areas of expertise, such as numerical and scientific
computing, web applications, Windows development, distributed computing
– all areas where Ruby is expanding into from its “base” as an
object-oriented scripting language.

I’d certainly be willing to contribute numerical computing tests – I’ve
got to build them anyhow. :slight_smile: