Best way to run Sinatra in prod on Windows?

I have a Sinatra app that makes calls to powershell scripts so I require
Windows. So what is the best way/app to run Sinatra in prod on Windows?
Something that can be at least somewhat managed remotely, or at least
restarted with powershell remoting. Any help would be appreciated.

Charlie B. wrote in post #1175971:

I have a Sinatra app that makes calls to powershell scripts so I require
Windows. So what is the best way/app to run Sinatra in prod on Windows?
Something that can be at least somewhat managed remotely, or at least
restarted with powershell remoting. Any help would be appreciated.

I use a ruby script which autoconfgure as service, and when running
as service, continuously run sinatra app.

Another solution, for desktop service, is to use
hstart.exe (which run a command without console) for runing
a .bat which run my app, in a loop :

cat hss_secure.bat
rem must be run with a hstart for no console.
@hstart /wait /noconsole “%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9”
@sleep 3
@goto :sstart

then config in start directory a

hstart /noconsole “hss_secure sinatra.rb”
