Best way to generate static pages

hi, guys
I tried using Thoughtbot’s High-Voltage to generate static pages in
my app. For some reason, I can’t seem to make it work cause it keeps
redirecting to one of my search pages. Anyway, I can’t seem to find
more info in the documentation of high-voltage. There was some mention
of “danger” in the docs but that’s about it.

I have googled on how to generate static pages using rails but can’t
find anything useful.

I guess for the moment, i will have to create a controller (named
after the static resource, “about_us”) followed by a corresponding
file in the view.

Anyway, can anyone share a good way of generating static pages?


ct9a wrote:

hi, guys
I tried using Thoughtbot’s High-Voltage to generate static pages in
my app. For some reason, I can’t seem to make it work cause it keeps
redirecting to one of my search pages. Anyway, I can’t seem to find
more info in the documentation of high-voltage. There was some mention
of “danger” in the docs but that’s about it.

I have googled on how to generate static pages using rails but can’t
find anything useful.

If they’re static, don’t generate them with Rails. Rails is only for
generating dynamic pages.

I guess for the moment, i will have to create a controller (named
after the static resource, “about_us”) followed by a corresponding
file in the view.

No controller needed. Just put the static stuff in the public

Anyway, can anyone share a good way of generating static pages?

If you really want to generate static pages, try StaticMatic. But I
don’t think that’s what you actually meant.


Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]

Ryan B. (railscasts) also has an episode on the subject:

On Feb 3, 2:57 am, ct9a [email protected] wrote:

I tried using Thoughtbot’s High-Voltage to generate static pages in
my app. For some reason, I can’t seem to make it work cause it keeps
redirecting to one of my search pages. Anyway, I can’t seem to find
more info in the documentation of high-voltage. There was some mention
of “danger” in the docs but that’s about it.

The “Danger” reference in the docs is a joke, referring to the name of
the engine, which is named after the song “High Voltage” by the
Electric Six:

You do not create a controller (part of the reason for using it).

You should be able to:

link_to “About Us”, page_path(“about_us”)

What is your search page’s route? What is your output when running
“rake routes”?

What kind of problems are you seeing? Maybe you set it up wrong, have
you seen High Voltage ?
Perhaps paste your routes.rb or rake routes and that could help too.


hi, Marnen :slight_smile:

StaticMatic - sounds interesting. Will google and read.

Cheers :slight_smile:

hi Dan,
thanks for the explaination. Finally clicked LOL

Alas, i have remove the code that used it but i will go back to git
and see what i can do.
Cheers, Dan!

hey, Dan,

Any intention to offer high voltage as a gem?


ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|
map.resources :parts, :has_many => :images
map.resources :parts, :has_many => :fits
map.set_primary_image ‘parts/:part_id/images/:id/
primary’, :controller => ‘images’, :action => ‘set_as_primary’
map.resources :brands
map.resources :makes, :has_many => :vehicles
map.resources :categories, :has_many => :sub_categories
map.resource :account, :controller => “users”, :has_one =>
map.resource :user_session
map.search_form ‘/search_form’, :controller => ‘search’, :action =>
‘form’ ‘/search’, :controller => ‘search’, :action =>
map.root :controller => “home”

2)Extract of “rakes”

<---------- Extract start -------------------->
(in /home/ct9a/projects/myApp)
search_form /
{:controller=>“search”, :action=>“form”}
search /
{:controller=>“search”, :action=>“perform_search”}

root /
{:controller=>“home”, :action=>“index”}

                  page GET    /

{:controller=>“high_voltage/pages”, :action=>“show”}
Showing all Routes

  • /pages/:id(.:format)?
    <---------- Extract end -------------------->
  1. Error message

Error message on webbrowser as soon as I open up: “

<---------- Extract start -------------------->
ActionController::RoutingError in High_voltage/pages#show

Showing app/views/search/_keyword_form.erb where line #1 raised:

No route matches
{:action=>“perform_search”, :controller=>“high_voltage/search”}

Extracted source (around line #1):

1: <% form_for :search, :url => { :action =>
“perform_search”, :controller => “search” }, :html => {:method =>
“get”} do |f| %>

4: <%= f.submit ‘Search’ %>

<---------- Extract end -------------------->

For some weird reason, I do not know why the search controller is
being invoked…