Best way to assign args?

on Mac OS X using launchd i’m only able to pass args like that :

[“DEBUGG=true”, “auto=true”, “dummy=empty”,

then for the time being i do :

$*.each {|a| k,v=a.split("="); @h[k]=v}

and, afterwards :

for bool, and for array :

@h[‘files’]=@h[‘files’].split(", ")

i don’t like that because i have to know, a priori, the types and names
of the args.

a better solution more rubyish ???

The following does what you want in one pass:

INP = [“DEBUGG=true”, “auto=true”, “dummy=empty”,
“files=/Users/yvon/MacSOUP_proxad/proxad, /Users/yvon/MacSOUP_eclipse/
eclipse, /Users/yvon/”]

@h = {}
INP.each do |a|
k,v = a.split("=")
case v
when /true/ then @h[k] = true
when /false/ then @h[k] = false
when /,[\s]/ then @h[k] = v.split(/,[\s]/)
else @h[k] = v

It is easily extend to other cases if necessary. Whether or not it is
better or more Ruby-ish is for you to decide.

Hope this helps.

Regards, Morton

Morton G. [email protected] wrote:

The following does what you want in one pass:

fanstatic !


It is easily extend to other cases if necessary. Whether or not it is
better or more Ruby-ish is for you to decide.

Hope this helps.

yes it helps me having different solutions, at least.

