What is the best text editor for iPad to write rails apps??
Thank you,
What is the best text editor for iPad to write rails apps??
Thank you,
I’m trying to choose between koder and textastic, what you think?
Both has many features, but i like the tabbed files feature on koder
I own a copy of textastic because I support the idea that the ipad will
become a dev environment one day. I will buy koder too, and I think
who can afford it should buy both as well. Both are fringe markets, so
need all the customers they can get to stay motivated (and someday
github access).
does koder saves files on the ipad or do I always need internet to get
files like dropbox does?
Wow! Koder looks amazing! I wonder how well it works for Ruby/Rails
development. The website only mentioned PHP. Has anyone used this app
for Rails development? Have you been able to use the preview (in
browser) feature? I’m curious to see if anyone has really made use of
this as a serious development tool.
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