Best practice to use AngularJS with Rails 4

What is best practice to use angular with rails 4. I can think of

  1. Create an JSON API only rails app and deliver a single page app to
    client and angular take care of talking to API.
  2. Create an normal rails app with API which delivered through Serve single page app and angular talk to api.
    (turbolinks can cause problems, but at least browser without json
    can view a html page rendered by server)
  3. Same as 2 but instead single page app, each rendered view is
    as mini-SPA, I don’t think it will be very helpful.

So what is best practice to use angular with rails 4.

I think this post is not particular to angularjs and seek best
with client side MV* frameworks(like knockout and others).

I am creating a new application so I can decide early and choose best
practice early and don’t have to undo already made decisions if it was a
existing application.



On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 1:20 PM, Arun kant sharma [email protected]

So what is best practice to use angular with rails 4.

I think this post is not particular to angularjs and seek best integration
with client side MV* frameworks(like knockout and others).

I am creating a new application so I can decide early and choose best
practice early and don’t have to undo already made decisions if it was a
existing application.

I haven’t delved into AngularJS yet, but there have been a spate of
articles out on using Angular with Rails, many of them with “Best
Practices” in the title. My collection is in disarray at the moment,
but I am sure a google of “Rails and AngularJS Best Practices” turns
up a lot of hits.

Don’t know about “best practice”, but what I did was create a single
app, with an appcache manifest. Since the browser URL changes, you still
have to create a bunch of entries in your routes file, but they all
to the same controller method. Then all the user data is stored in
LocalStorage on the browser, so it is really fast and doesn’t depend on
having a connection. Then, I have a timer that periodically ajaxes any
changes back up to the server, where it stores them as key/value pairs.
When the user logs in, the browser requests all the user’s data at once
recreates the LocalStorage. When the user logs out, LocalStorage is
deleted. Once I set that up, I haven’t had to touch a controller or
since: it is all js, css, erb, and helpers.

On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 10:50 PM, Paul [email protected] wrote:

css, erb, and helpers.
Would you mind showing us? Is this an open source project? I’d love to
peruse the code…

Recently I received an article on my twitter timeline… about testing
angular using his karma framework with sprockets… maybe can help

Unfortunately, it’s not open source. Sorry.

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