I’m currently building an application that relies on a rather large set
of settings and paths that needs to sit in its own file.
What are the best way to go about? XML? Simple strings in a text file?
The settings files would be created manually, but the app will have to
update a few integers in the files.
Thanks in advance,
On Apr 7, 9:20 pm, Oyvind P. [email protected]
I’m currently building an application that relies on a rather large set
of settings and paths that needs to sit in its own file.
What are the best way to go about? XML? Simple strings in a text file?
The settings files would be created manually, but the app will have to
update a few integers in the files.
Unless you have a reason not to use it, the most common practice in
Rubydom is to use YAML.
require ‘yaml’
settings = YAML.load(File.new(“file.yaml”))
You can learn more about YAML here: http://www.yaml.org/
And very helpful to get started: YAML.rb is YAML for Ruby | Cookbook
On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 8:20 PM, Oyvind P.
<[email protected]
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
I think the book Ruby in Practice has a section on this (I left it at
so I can’t check for you, sorry).
I was looking at Configliere the other day, and it looks pretty cool,
GitHub - mrflip/configliere: Wise, discreet configuration for ruby scripts: integrate config files, environment variables and command line with no fuss It looks like you can use it to
the place of optparse too (at least thats how I interpreted it).
You might also check out GitHub - binarylogic/settingslogic: A simple and straightforward settings solution that uses an ERB enabled YAML file and a singleton design pattern.
is by binarylogic, the author of AuthLogic (a rather popular
gem for Rails). Looking through the tests and source, though, it doesn’t
appear to have a way to save the settings back to the file. It uses
like Intransition suggested. But it’s only about 150 lines, you could
scratch that itch.
Thanks a lot!
I had a quick look at YAML, and it seems to do what I need it to do.
(Now I just need to figure out my other issue…)
On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 11:12 AM, Intransition [email protected]
update a few integers in the files.
Unless you have a reason not to use it, the most common practice in
Rubydom is to use YAML.
 require ‘yaml’
 settings = YAML.load(File.new(“file.yaml”))
shorter, and makes sure the fd is closed too
require ‘yaml’
settings = YAML.load_file(‘file.yaml’)
longer, but better if you want to read and write the file from
multiple processes simultaneously on unix
require ‘yaml/store’
settings = YAML::Store.new(‘file.yaml’)
settings.transaction{|s| s[‘foo’] = ‘bar’ }
settings.transaction{|s| p s[‘foo’] }
btw, anyone wanna add JSON::Store to ruby core?