What is the best GUI toolkit for Ruby?
Warren D. wrote:
What is the best GUI toolkit for Ruby?
The one that does all the things you need it to do.
Warren D. wrote:
What is the best GUI toolkit for Ruby?
This is pretty much a perma-thread. Try searching for “ruby best gui
toolkit library” in Google.
Tim H. wrote:
Warren D. wrote:
What is the best GUI toolkit for Ruby?
This is pretty much a perma-thread. Try searching for “ruby best gui
toolkit library” in Google.
Perma thread in Google? i found ten needle thread in yahoo.
Warren D. wrote:
What is the best GUI toolkit for Ruby?
The most widespread and popular GUI system is the web and HTML, so the
GUI for Ruby is Ruby on Rails. It makes many systems, such as Ajax, so
easy that
a Rails project is competitive with desktop GUIs, such as Java or Visual
in many spaces.
easy to learn, easy to implement : gtk
less easy to learn and implement : qt
On Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 7:09 PM, Phlip [email protected] wrote:
Warren D. wrote:
What is the best GUI toolkit for Ruby?
The most widespread and popular GUI system is the web and HTML, so the
leading GUI for Ruby is Ruby on Rails.
I guess that for somebody asking for a GUI and getting confronted with
Rails might be err frightening at least.
But the Webinterface idea is not a bad one per se. But you could look
at many tools, starting from a very basic WEBrick to Merv, Mongrel and
I am surely forgetting some…
Ne baisse jamais la tête, tu ne verrais plus les étoiles.
Robert D.
I guess that for somebody asking for a GUI and getting confronted
with Rails might be err frightening at least.
I somewhat agree but
But the Webinterface idea is not a bad one per se.
I completely agree on this. I think the functionality of the www + js +
is very similar to the “traditional” GUI world.
To find the “best” traditional GUI toolkit without any further criterias
is just
asking for disagreement.
For me I would answer that I am still looking for it but I am very
happy with ruby-gtk, especially because of the wiki. (For some reason, I
am really lost without documentation, and ruby-qt does not really have a
wiki AFAIK.)
FXRuby has Lyle which is a super + but I think it also has no wiki.
Tk is a bit old IMO now, and wxruby sounds nice in theory but it used to
have a little problems in the past so i gave up quite on it (since
ruby-gtk and ruby-qt work for me already)
What I personally miss most is CSS in the GUI worlds. Especially the
ease of modifying looks in CSS. This sucks in GTK. I really hate that
part …
CSS with all its minor flaws it may have, really made customizing
trivial (never mind that you can make it complex, but the basic
principle is super easy and works super nice).
Phlip wrote:
Warren D. wrote:
What is the best GUI toolkit for Ruby?
The most widespread and popular GUI system is the web and HTML, so the
leading GUI
But the question was about “the best”, not widespread or leading. (If
someone asked for the best programming language, would you suggest Java
or C++?)
I lay out a set of criteria for selecting a GUI toolkit for Ruby here:
Feel free to ignore the second half of the article which is based on my
unassailable argument for using JRuby + Swing. Part if the article
discusses the pros and cons of that choice. (Despite my devotion to
Monkeybars, I’m using Ruby’s bindings for KDialog for a few of my
desktop helper apps until I see a need for something more than a quick
dialog box.)
I did not include HTML, though. That’s a whole other thread, given the
wealth of robust Ruby Web tools. (And most widespread != best, for all
the same reasons why picking the best desktop GUI tool is so subject to
particular needs.)
Asking for the best of anything is a problem because no one agrees on
what “best” means, so specific requirements (platform, licensing, cost
of tools, available widgets, packaging and deployment options, WYSIWYG
editors, etc.) are critical.
While this is something of a permathread, the available options are
constantly changing, so relying on past discussions is sure to leave out
the latest and greatest. It’s useful to revisit it from time to time
(unless someone is faithfully maintaining an up-to-date and objective
resource on Ruby GUI choices).
James B.
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Warren D. wrote:
What is the best GUI toolkit for Ruby?
If you were so inclined, you could use JRuby and Swing.
Alle Saturday 29 November 2008, Marc H. ha scritto:
For me I would answer that I am still looking for it
but I am very
happy with ruby-gtk, especially because of the wiki. (For some reason, I
am really lost without documentation, and ruby-qt does not really have a
wiki AFAIK.)
qtruby doesn’t have a wiki, but there’s a lot of documentation you can
It’s true that most of it it’s written for programming with Qt in C++
and not
in ruby, but I think it should be easy to understand all the same. I may
wrong here, however: I know C++ and, indeed, I started programming Qt in
before switching to ruby, so the documentation wasn’t a problem for me.
Here’s a list of the documentation availlable for qt(ruby) that I know
http://doc.trolltech.com/4.4/index.html: the official Qt
documentation, for
C++. It also contains one tutorial and several examples, many of which
explained almost line by line. qtruby includes the sources for both the
tutorial and the examples in ruby. -
http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Languages/Ruby: it documents the
differences between programming with Qt in C++ and in ruby.
James B. wrote:
Phlip wrote:
What is the best GUI toolkit for Ruby?
The most widespread and popular GUI system is the web and HTML, so the
leading GUIBut the question was about “the best”, not widespread or leading.
That is exactly why I said “widespread and popular”, not “best”…
Warren D. wrote:
What is the best GUI toolkit for Ruby?
If you’re only targeting OS X, then Cocoa (via RubyCocoa or MacRuby) are
certainly worth a look. The advantages are numerous; the obvious
disadvantage, of course, being that you can’t use any of it on Windows
or Linux.
I haven’t used any of the other GUI toolkits, so I can’t really comment
on them.
Adam G. wrote:
If you’re only targeting OS X, then Cocoa (via RubyCocoa or MacRuby) are
certainly worth a look. The advantages are numerous; the obvious
disadvantage, of course, being that you can’t use any of it on Windows
or Linux.
That’s far from “obvious” - plenty of toolkits port easily!
However, one Brian M. is popping a new RubyCocoa book soon, so I
Phlip wrote:
Adam G. wrote:
If you’re only targeting OS X, then Cocoa (via RubyCocoa or MacRuby) are
certainly worth a look. The advantages are numerous; the obvious
disadvantage, of course, being that you can’t use any of it on Windows
or Linux.That’s far from “obvious” - plenty of toolkits port easily!
However, one Brian M. is popping a new RubyCocoa book soon, so I
Um…Aptana? Duh…?
On Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 02:26:15AM +0900, Vladimir F. wrote:
easy to learn, easy to implement : gtk
Probably even easier to learn and implement: tk
Tk lacks some features you may have come to expect from GTK, however.
Probably even easier to learn and implement than that: shoes
I’m not really terribly familiar with Shoes, so I’m afraid I can’t
comment very authoritatively on its feature set, et cetera. I’m sure
someone else here can – including its creator, most likely.
less easy to learn and implement : qt
It’s also kind of onerous in terms of licensing, unless you just
like the GPL and have absolutely no interest in doing MS Windows
It’s also kind of onerous in terms of licensing, unless you just really
like the GPL and have absolutely no interest in doing MS Windows
Why no Windows development? There is a gem for it.
I’ve always thought Tk has been vastly underrated. It’s worth it for
the text and canvas widgets alone.
Kenneth McDonald wrote:
I’ve always thought Tk has been vastly underrated. It’s worth it for the
text and canvas widgets alone.
Agree. Every time I investigate the alternatives, tk is the quickest
path to 2d animations.