Best Approach to Web based Database Entry

Hi guys,

I’m a beginner at Ruby on Rails and have been reading “Agile Web
Development With Rails” quite a bit lately. I noticed that it is
recommended that one not consider using “a component based” approach
because it would not have very good performance speed and might somehow
adversely affect the maintenance process.

My goal is to use Rails to produce websites that “look like” custom MS
Access forms with “data controls”, except that these webpages would be
“more bullet proof” than most custom MS Access forms. Yes, I do care
about the speed, and would like to find a good approach. I plan to use
either PostGreSQL(personal preference) or MySQL as the “back end” and a
local machine, here in my office running FC5 as the server.

I have already gotten the RubyOnRails WebRick server running properly
and have gone through some of the basic examples in the book.

My goal for the moment is to do a “proof of concept” that will allow
Windows XP Pro users on the local area network to see my “test site”
and that I can produce a very basic “data control” type webpage.

Is the “component approach” appropriate for this project…or should I
use a different approach? I know that AJAX will increase the
performance level, so that is also of great interest to me.

Any advice that you can give me will be appreciated.


Arthur Baldwin

On 8/29/06, eengnerd [email protected] wrote:

My goal is to use Rails to produce websites that “look like” custom MS
Windows XP Pro users on the local area network to see my “test site”
Arthur Baldwin

I would suggest that you stay away from components all together. It is
rumoured that components may be removed from the core in the not too

If this is your first crack at an application, read a lot, and make many

Ajax can help or hinder depending on how you use it.

To see your page on a network it should be as simple as typing the
of your server at whatever port with a controller and action in the url


Good luck. Hope this helps a little…