BER over air

Hello all,

BER (Bit Error Rate) measurement isn’t a cumbersome task which is
realizable for each system with transmitting a known sequence of bits
take them @ a receiver which translates BER measurement into a simple

I have a question regarding how it’s possible to measure SNR @ an Rx
with a
USRP? In fact to obtain a graph of BER vs SNR I need to measure SNR !

I didn’t find anything specific to this question. However, I’ve heard
possible to estimate an initial SNR in Rx by accounting noise figure of
USRP, then by changing the transmitter’s power, different SNRs can be
at Rx.

Any idea please!?


Department of Electrical Engineering
Aboureyhan Building
Amirkabir University Of Technology
Tel: +98 (919) 158-7730

On 12/25/2014 11:06 AM, Mostafa A. wrote:

I have a question regarding how it’s possible to measure SNR @ an Rx
with a USRP? In fact to obtain a graph of BER vs SNR I need to measure

I didn’t find anything specific to this question. However, I’ve heard
it’s possible to estimate an initial SNR in Rx by accounting noise
figure of the USRP, then by changing the transmitter’s power, different
SNRs can be seen at Rx.

Any idea please!?

Measuring exact SNR is a difficult science. What you can do quite easily
is to use the SNR estimator blocks. However, for accurate BER/SNR
curves, there’s a catch-22 here because you’re using the same noise to
estimate noise power that’s affecting the signal (and hence, BER). So,
if you’re writing a paper, don’t forget to mention and explain this.

Also, when you say SNR, what exactly do you want? Is it Eb/N0?

If you want to figure out SNR by analog measurements (i.e. by measuring
the exact rx power and estimating the exact noise figure), that’s a lot
of work. And your calibrations will be off if you open the window and
the temperature drops (depending on how accurate you need these values).

Also, when doing real measurements, you’re including lots of other
effects (multipath, phase noise, quantization noise, frequency offset,
timing offset… most of these can be modeled as an additional noise
figure if they’re static, but with some limited accuracy). Is that
really what you want?

If multipath is negligible you might be able to transmit a very long
known BPSK sequence and use the analytical functions for BER in AWGN to
estimate Eb/N0 (measure BER and solve for the Eb/N0). I’d need to have
another look at the math for our SNR estimators, but they probably do
something similar. This only works for perfect time and frequency


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Hi Mostafa,

On 12/28/2014 03:54 PM, Mostafa A. wrote:

Hi Martin,

Thank you for response. I don’t want Eb/N0, because there is not bit
stream but complex symbols.
A symbol represents information you want to transmit. The unit for
information is bit.

said it depends on both receiver hardware parameters (such as phase

changing just the Tx power.

I’m not sure whether this approach is accurate as we need or not! Is
it true? I want to know your recommendations.
Assuming you’re noise is a) purely additive, b) your channel is
absolutely flat, and so is your noise (white), c) everything is linear
(memoryless channel) and c) you’re able to reliably measure the power of
a infinitely narrow peak (which implies you can produce a infinitely
narrow peak), this applies. As you can see in your picture, the peak is
not infinitely narrow (obviously, the FFT has limited length, so
frequency resolution can’t be arbitrarily fine).
It’s but a basic estimate. Giving you the rx power for a specific
frequency and estimating noise power by averaging for a limited amount
of time, you get something that, depending on how your system behaves,
might or might not represent actual SNR well.

I have to stress this: SNR is signal to noise ratio. Signal is what
your application defines to be signal!


Hello Mostafa,

I’ve forgot to add that

All nonlinear and time variant effects isn’t just due to the channel
but the RF hardware.
is usually not true – again, SNR is signal to noise, and maybe your
signal undergoes correction, and I don’t know if that is going to be
Far more importantly, real radio channels are not flat. They are
frequency-selective, and they are time-variant. In many (easier) cases,
you can consider the channel to be flat for your very limited bandwidth,
and you can consider it’s properties (or at least the statistical
properties of these properties) to be stationary – but if you’re
serious about channel characteristics, you can’t just say “my channel is
flat and time-invariant”, without really saying why you can make these


On 28/12/14 16:41, Marcus M. wrote:

I have to stress this: SNR is signal to noise ratio. Signal is what your
application defines to be signal!


The Signal is what you want to hear. Whether that be a nice square wave
from MSF, DCF, WWV, or where ever at a nice 1bps, or 802.11 PSK, or
1200 baud AFSK, or whatever, everything else is noise.

That noise will be coming from the earth, the sun, the universe,
pickup from your downlink cable, any mast head preamps or anything else
that happens to be around.

It will also include your next door neighbour doing experiments not
far from your chosen frequency, or anyone else local using an adjacent

Even if there is an intended signal, it can still be noise.
Take for example, a “ham” station working a remote station quite

Then 2.5kHz away, some other local ham station keys up with 1500W. No
longer can the remote station be heard, due to the noise floor rising.

It’s nothing to do with the receiving station becoming less sensitive,
or the transmitting station dropping power, but simply that the
receiving station’s noise floor has risen, thus his SNR has dropped
significantly (more likely massively)

The fact that the 1500 Watt station was working a station the other
side of the globe does not matter to the original station’s ability
to receive the station he was working.

A further example. TDF is an AM station that transmits a time signal
(like MSF, DCF, WWV). But due to this being an AM station they can’t
modulated the AM carrier, so they twiddle its phase.

In trying to decode (And yes, for those following my posts over the
months and years I’ve now managed it!) the time data, all the AM
modulation, music, and speech is all noise. I have to filter it



If we have include the chanel the received symbol is:
y(t) = h(t) * x(t) + n(t).
So h can vary with time and isn’t flat. In SNR we would know h. For
simplicity I ignored it by setting h = 1 which is not acurrate.

Hi Mostafa,

On 12/28/2014 06:09 PM, Mostafa A. wrote:

Is there any way (like sending and receiving a simple sine wave) to
extract this model?

That would be channel sounding.


I suddenly found a book which discussed SNR estimation which is also
assumed the AWGN channel [1, chap. 6, p. 121]. This book also considers
carrier phase and frequency uncertainties and developed a kind of
compensation for them.

Again I think we need to remove fading channel before SNR estimation. Is


[1] Jon Hamkins; Marvin Kenneth Simon,“Autonomous software-defined radio
receivers for deep space applications”,Wiley-Interscience, 2006.

On Sun, Dec 28, 2014 at 9:01 PM, Marcus M. [email protected]

Far more importantly, real radio channels are not flat. They are

Department of Electrical Engineering
Aboureyhan Building
Amirkabir University Of Technology
Tel: +98 (919) 158-7730

On 28/12/14 19:08, Mostafa A. wrote:

Again I think we need to remove fading channel before SNR estimation. Is it

To answer this specific point (and Marcus is far more better versed than
I in this science):

More fading equals less signal, more noise at particular times, thus
worse Signal to Noise Ratio.

If you need to be able to pass data during any fading, then you need
to take it into account (often this is done with FEC or PM schemes etc)

SNR is only “true” for a moment in time. The next moment, both signal
and noise may change.

Best Regards


I finally got to this point that if one need to measure SNR, it means
he/she has to eliminate all the other channel effects as well as
uncertainties, (like fading, shadowing, Doppler shift, carrier frequency
and phase offsets etc.) to have a correct estimate of SNR. Otherwise,
he/she coudln’t obtain signal-to-noise power ratio.

Remember the received signal formulation I mentioned before:
y(t) = h(t) * x(t) + n(t).

Thank you all. Any interesting ideas would be appreciated.


On Sun, Dec 28, 2014 at 10:53 PM, Iain Young, G7III [email protected]

More fading equals less signal, more noise at particular times, thus worse


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Department of Electrical Engineering
Aboureyhan Building
Amirkabir University Of Technology
Tel: +98 (919) 158-7730

Hello Mostafa,
On 12/29/2014 12:55 PM, Mostafa A. wrote:

I finally got to this point that if one need to measure SNR, it means
that he/she has to eliminate all the other channel effects as well as
receiver uncertainties, (like fading, shadowing, Doppler shift,
carrier frequency and phase offsets etc.) to have a correct estimate
of SNR.
SNR is relative to signal. Signal is what you define it to be. You can
say “I measure my SNR after equalizing and perfect synchronization”, you
could also say “the power of the signal coming out of the receiver
amplifier relative to the noise generated in that amplifier, before any
filtering”. It’s all up to your definition. I will never cease to repeat

There is no physical entity SNR to measure. When you say “SNR is XY dB”,
it is utterly meaningless unless you define what your signal is and
where in your signal processing chain you determine the SNR.

Otherwise, he/she coudln’t obtain signal-to-noise power ratio.

Remember the received signal formulation I mentioned before:
y(t) = h(t) * x(t) + n(t).

Thank you all. Any interesting ideas would be appreciated.
… you’re still asking for easy ideas how to solve your problem which
is complicated. You will have to accept the fact that SNR is not a
universal measure with a “right” way to measure for any kind of signal,
any kind of channel, any kind of system.


Hi Marcus,

I completely agree to the statement. But take a look at this simple

y(t) = h(t) * x(t) + n(t).

‘y’ is the received signal, ‘h’ is the channel response (here I assumed
that the channel is linear as a filter), ‘x’ is the *desired signal and
‘n’ is noise and the sign '
’ is the convolution. Hence, if we try to
signal (x) power to noise (n), it implies that the ‘h’ is somehow
estimated. Again, consider that noise and channel are different both
statistically and in nature.

take look at the "Tom R."s website:

He said:

" In the case of an SNR estimator, though, I thought about this and had
come to the conclusion that the only way to handle this is to have an
estimator that you can plug in variables for your channel model, which
course assumes that you have or can estimate these parameters."

So we need acquire ‘h’.


On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 3:42 PM, Marcus M. [email protected]

also say "the power of the signal coming out of the receiver amplifier
y(t) = h(t) * x(t) + n(t).

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Department of Electrical Engineering
Aboureyhan Building
Amirkabir University Of Technology
Tel: +98 (919) 158-7730

Marcus you’re right. This question is somehow out of GNURadio
However, I’ve found something about different perspectives of SNR
calculation at a receiver.

Thank you for participating in this discussion. If I find enough time, I
will try to generate a code for SNR calculation regardless of type of
modulation used and I will share it.


Hi Mostafa,

On 12/29/2014 01:58 PM, Mostafa A. wrote:

I completely agree to the statement. But take a look at this simple

y(t) = h(t) * x(t) + n(t).
it’s totally ok to use that model, but only if your application
indicates that this is the right model to use. By the way, all
components in your equation have time dependency (t), so this alone
doesn’t justify assuming time-invariance.
Estimation h is called gaining channel state information, to give you
some hints on what to look for in literature.

‘y’ is the received signal, ‘h’ is the channel response (here I
assumed that the channel is linear as a filter), ‘x’ is the
*desired signal and ‘n’ is noise and the sign '’ is the convolution.
Hence, if we try to find signal (x) power to noise (n), it implies
that the ‘h’ is somehow estimated.
convolution with the channel is exactly identical to “applying a
filter”. This implies your channel is not flat.

Again, consider that noise and channel are different both
statistically and in nature.

If I understand you correctly, then you state exactly what I’m saying:
everything you calculate is but an estimate, and the things you can say
about SNR are thus only estimates. Whether or not that estimate is a
good representation for the reality depends on the way you estimate, and
how well your assumptions match reality. This demands a high level of
understanding for the underlying concepts!

He said:

" In the case of an SNR estimator, though, I thought about this and
had to come to the conclusion that the only way to handle this is to
have an estimator that you can plug in variables for your channel
model, which of course assumes that you have or can estimate these

So we need acquire ‘h’.
There’s two key words in this paragraph: 1. “channel model” and 2.

  1. “channel model”: this implies you model the channel, ie. you make
    justified assumptions on what the channel is. in the y(t) =
    h(t)*x(t)+n(t), it’s implied the channel is linear and might have a time
  2. acquiring channel state information usually is done by transmitting
    something that you already know (e.g. a preamble) or using redundancy
    (ie. coding); if you’re being honest, you would have to say “ok, now
    that I have information about h, I can actually transmit data, but since
    it took energy and time to get that information, I must account for this
    effort (==energy) when considering the effort I have sending the data
    (==bit energy)”. That’s a strong argument for not using SNR but E_b/N.

All in all, I think I should stop participating in this thread, since I
feel that I’m repeating myself. I’d very very humble suggest that you
take a few days with the appropriate theoretical literature on digital
communications [1], as you seem to be about to write something with a
very strong theoretical aspect. None of these mails related in any kind
to GNU Radio or even SDR, just basic digital communication theory.

Best regards, and all the best,

