My name is Tao, I am working with the USRP1 and GNU Radio for my
graduate project. Some days ago I had a problem that I haven’t been able
to solve.I am using the 2.4Ghz&5Gz transceiver daughter board on both
transmitting and receiving USRP1 devices.

I was able to transmit through:
-Dell-DM051:~/project-usrp1/ -f 2488M -r 500k -v --tx-gain
35 --from-file /home/tao/project-usrp1/monalisa.txt -s 123
linux; GNU C++ version 4.4.5; Boost_104200; UHD_003.004.000-1424488

gr_fir_ccf: using SSE

bits per symbol: 4
RRC roll-off factor: 0.35
– Opening a USRP1 device…
– Using FPGA clock rate of 64.000000MHz…

UHD Transmitter:
Freq: 2.488GHz
Gain: 35.000000 dB
Sample Rate: 250ksps
Antenna: None
Subdev Sec: None

bits per symbol: 4
RRC roll-off factor: 0.35
Tx amplitude 0.25
modulation: psk_mod
bitrate: 500kb/s
samples/symbol: 2.0000
Differential: True

However, I could not receive anything:

./ -f 2488M --rx-gain=70 -v -r 500k
linux; GNU C++ version 4.4.5; Boost_104200; UHD_003.004.000-287958b

gr_fir_ccf: using SSE


bits per symbol: 4
RRC roll-off factor: 0.35
FLL bandwidth: 6.28e-02
Timing bandwidth: 6.28e-02
Phase bandwidth: 6.28e-02
– Loading firmware image: /usr/local/share/uhd/images/usrp1_fw.ihx…

– Opening a USRP1 device…
– Loading FPGA image: /usr/local/share/uhd/images/usrp1_fpga.rbf…

– Using FPGA clock rate of 64.000000MHz…

UHD Receiver:
UHD Args:
Freq: 2.488GHz
Gain: 70.000000 dB

Sample Rate: 250ksps
Antenna: None
Spec: None


bits per symbol: 4
RRC roll-off factor: 0.35
FLL bandwidth: 6.28e-02
Timing bandwidth: 6.28e-02
Phase bandwidth: 6.28e-02

Receive Path:
modulation: psk_demod

bitrate: 500kb/s
samples/symbol: 2.0000
Differential: True

Could you please help me look at that?

Thanks in advance.
