Benchmark_rx n_right always 0

I am using benchmark_tx/benchmark_rx to transmit data on 2.41GHz:
./ -f 2.41G
./ -f 2.41G

While I can receive packages at the rx end, the n_right field of every
package is always 0. I know it means the package failed the CRC check.
might be the cause? I am using two USRP N210s and daughter boards are
XCVR2450. The following are the displayed message at rx end:
./ -f 2.41G *
linux; GNU C++ version 4.6.3; Boost_104601;

>>> gr_fir_ccf: using SSE
– Opening a USRP2/N-Series device…
– Current recv frame size: 1472 bytes
– Current send frame size: 1472 bytes
UHD Warning:

  • Unable to set the thread priority. Performance may be negatively
  • Please see the general application notes in the manual for
  • EnvironmentError: OSError: error in pthread_setschedparam*

No gain specified.
Setting gain to 49.500000 (from [0.000000, 99.000000])
UHD Warning:

  • The hardware does not support the requested RX sample rate:*
  • Target sample rate: 0.050000 MSps*
  • Actual sample rate: 0.195312 MSps*

Symbol Rate: 25000.000000
Requested sps: 2.000000
Given sample rate: 195312.500000
Actual sps for rate: 7.812500
Requested sample rate: 50000.000000
Actual sample rate: 195312.500000
Warning: Failed to enable realtime scheduling.
Using Volk machine: avx_32
ok = False pktno = 65 n_rcvd = 1 n_right = 0
ok = False pktno = 67 n_rcvd = 2 n_right = 0
ok = False pktno = 68 n_rcvd = 3 n_right = 0
*ok = False pktno = 69 n_rcvd = 4 *n_right = 0
*ok = False pktno = 70 n_rcvd = 5 *n_right = 0
*ok = False pktno = 71 n_rcvd = 6 *n_right = 0
*ok = False pktno = 72 n_rcvd = 7 *n_right = 0
*ok = False pktno = 73 n_rcvd = 8 *n_right = 0
*ok = False pktno = 74 n_rcvd = 9 *n_right = 0
*ok = False pktno = 75 n_rcvd = 10 *n_right = 0
*ok = False pktno = 76 n_rcvd = 11 *n_right = 0
*ok = False pktno = 189 n_rcvd = 12 *n_right = 0

On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 11:47 AM, Weixian Z. [email protected] wrote:

linux; GNU C++ version 4.6.3; Boost_104601; UHD_003.004.002-128-g12f7a5c9
Hi Weixian,

Remember that these benchmark examples have no error correcting codes
in them, so a single bit error will cause the packet CRC check to
fail. Likely reasons for this include low SNR, nonlinearities in the
receiver/transmitter chain, and multipath channels. You might also
have a frequency offset between the two USRPs that’s just a bit
outside of the channel filter’s bandwidth such that you are distorting
it enough to cause errors but not so much that many of the bits are
still getting through.
