How do we deal with database entries in ruby?
I wanted to return a list of records from a model func to controller.
Please help me.
How do we deal with database entries in ruby?
I wanted to return a list of records from a model func to controller.
Please help me.
On 5 June 2012 01:02, cyber c. [email protected] wrote:
def self.get_all_pairs
endi get an error undefined method ‘name’ for “.”:String
in line → <%=data_pair.name %>
You are expecting data_pair to be an object of type DataPair, with a
attribute. However, it’s not - it’s a string. Maybe you could post a
of the get_app_pairs method and the template and we can help further.
Thanks for the reply. But i have changed the message long back ,it
still shows old message.
My actual post was
How do we deal with database records in ruby?
I wanted to return a list of records from a model func to controller.
Please help me.
On 5 June 2012 01:02, cyber c. [email protected] wrote:
def self.get_all_pairs
endi get an error undefined method ‘name’ for “.”:String
in line → <%=data_pair.name %>Im a beginner in ROR. Can someone help me out ?
Have a look at the Rails Guide on Debugging for techniques you can use
to debug your code. Also you say that you are a beginner. If you
have not already done so then work right through some tutorials on
Rails. railstutorial.org is good and is free to use online.
On 5 June 2012 02:24, cyber c. [email protected] wrote:
Thanks for the reply. But i have changed the message along back but it
still shows old message.
My actual post wasHow do we deal with database records in ruby?
I wanted to return a list of records from a model func to controller.
Please help me.
As I said in reply to your previous post work through some tutorials
such as railstutorial.org. These will give you a grasp of the
fundamentals of Rails.
I’m not sure if this fixes your problem but anyone can correct me if I’m
wrong – I think when you call DataPair.all you get an array of all the
DataPairs so essentially you should be doing this after:
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