I am trying to learn ruby, so i wrote some simple scripts.
But the following script does not work as expected:
while gets != nil
print $_
if i call ‘echo.rb’ (without any parameters) from my cygwin shell, the
scripts does what i expect it to do. It reads and returns the input.
But if i call it with any parameters, like
echo.rb anything
i get a error message saying : ‘… `gets’: No such file or directory -
12 (Errno::ENOENT)…’
Does anybody understand this ?
gets() reads from the files given as command-line arguments, or
STDIN, if none were given. So in your example above, “anything” is
expected to be the path to a file that will be read.
Just FYI, your example is also a little Perlish. Us Ruby guys
generally write that as:
you could also have said:
print while gets
if i call ‘echo.rb’ (without any parameters) from my cygwin shell, the
scripts does what i expect it to do. It reads and returns the input.
But if i call it with any parameters, like
echo.rb anything
i get a error message saying : ‘… `gets’: No such file or directory -
12 (Errno::ENOENT)…’
Does anybody understand this ?
apparently you typed:
echo.rb 12
If there are arguments, ruby interprets those as the names of files to
be used (after concatenation) as standard input. But there was no file