Beginners and fool-proof installation ? ??

First off - rememebr We are ALL not rocket scientists.

The concept is great but the docs fall short for us rookies . . .
You would have a HUGE user base if you could get back to SIMPLIFYING
the installs.

BIG Question :

I have Apache, PHP, and mySQL running fine.

How do I get Ruby on Rails up and running with my existing setup ( It
is the Wamp server package and it works Great. And very SIMPLE to set
up I might add :wink:

No where have I found a discreet explanation on how to do a new
install if you ALREADY have a successful installation of Apache, PHP,
and mySQL on your local testing server. Of which I do. I see all kinds
of ā€œAll in Oneā€ installs and separate package installs but it does not
show one how to piece it all together if you already have a successful
working web server set up.

It needs to explain what folders to put what into and how to set up a
first test. That would be a good idea I would think?
And very specific would help, right?

Can anyone here give me the correct info to get started?

Any help is much appreciated.

Rob Henrichon

The ā€˜wā€™ in wamp means youā€™re on windows, right?

If soā€“install ruby from the one-click installer:

Then open a command prompt and say:

gem update --system

and when thatā€™s done:

gem install rails

and optionally, when thatā€™s done:

gem install mongrel

That should put you in a good position to develop & test. Deployment is
another matterā€“Iā€™m not familiar enough to advise thereā€¦

