I have installed nginx on my personal computer and would like to use it
as a proxy to force authentication via modified http headers in various
browsers. There’s an add-on in firefox to do this, but none for Chrome,
which is why I am using nginx. I’ve edited configuration file to include
something like this under the http section:
server {
listen some_port;
location http://some_ip {
add_header X-h1 h1;
add_header X-h2 h2 h2;
add_header X-h3 h3;
add_header X-h4 h4;
add_header X-h5 h5;
add_header X-h6 h6 h6;
add_header X-h7 h7;
I figured that out from reading many examples and the wiki. Now, I do
not know how exactly to configure nginx to act as a proxy. I’ve read
through part of the wiki on the HttpProxy module, but I don’t have much
experience with web servers or proxies. Could someone point me in the
right direction?
Also, when editing the configuration file using the http headers module
(this: Module ngx_http_headers_module ), can values have spaces
in them? Or should I put quotations around the whole thing? I read here:
How to Configure NGINX | Linode Docs that
whitespace doesn’t matter, but I just thought to double check, since I
saw no examples where values had spaces in them.
Posted at Nginx Forum:
Hello, I have installed nginx on my personal computer and would like to use it as a proxy to force authentication via modified http headers in various browsers. There's an add-on in firefox to do this, but none for Chrome, which is why I am using...
September 8, 2011, 7:29pm
server {
listen some_ip:some_port default;
location / {
add_header X-h1 h1;
add_header X-h2 “h2 h2”;
add_header X-h3 h3;
add_header X-h4 h4;
add_header X-h5 h5;
add_header X-h6 “h6 h6”;
add_header X-h7 h7;
proxy_pass http://backend ;
space: add a double quotes
add_header X-h2 “h2 h2”;
Posted at Nginx Forum:
Hello, I have installed nginx on my personal computer and would like to use it as a proxy to force authentication via modified http headers in various browsers. There's an add-on in firefox to do this, but none for Chrome, which is why I am using...
September 9, 2011, 10:08pm
if you are running nginx, you may use “nginx -s reload” to reload the
or killall -9 nginx; nginx to restart nginx
2011/9/10 ynasser [email protected]
September 9, 2011, 11:01pm
I don’t think it’s a problem with reloading the configuration file,
because I have been reloading it every time after I update and save it.
What is happening is that when I run ‘sudo nginx’, it doesn’t start and
outputs this error:
nginx: [emerg] bind() to some_ip:some_port failed (49: Can’t assign
requested address)
I can access some_ip:some_port just fine from a browser and ssh-ing into
it is not a problem.
Posted at Nginx Forum:
Hello, I have installed nginx on my personal computer and would like to use it as a proxy to force authentication via modified http headers in various browsers. There's an add-on in firefox to do this, but none for Chrome, which is why I am using...
September 10, 2011, 7:23am
If you only using one ip, you can use listen 80 default;
The some_ip:some_port is using on my product server, it shows no
2011/9/10 ynasser [email protected]
September 12, 2011, 7:22pm
It works now. My configuration looks like this:
server {
listen 80 default;
location / {
proxy_pass http://some_ip:some_port;
proxy_set_header X-h1 h1;
proxy_set_header X-h2 h2;
proxy_set_header X-h3 "h3 h3";
I hope this help anyone else with this problem.
Posted at Nginx Forum:
Hello, I have installed nginx on my personal computer and would like to use it as a proxy to force authentication via modified http headers in various browsers. There's an add-on in firefox to do this, but none for Chrome, which is why I am using...
September 9, 2011, 10:05pm
I reinstalled nginx and re-added that directive to the new configutation
file. Now this happens:
sudo nginx
nginx: [emerg] bind() to failed (49: Can’t assign
requested address)
In regards to the example given above:
server {
listen some_ip:some_port default;
location / {
add_header X-h1 h1;
add_header X-h2 “h2 h2”;
add_header X-h3 h3;
add_header X-h4 h4;
add_header X-h5 h5;
add_header X-h6 “h6 h6”;
add_header X-h7 h7;
proxy_pass http://backend ;
some_ip:some_port is the site that I’m trying to pass the headers to.
For http://backend , I’m using “ ”
Any help would be appreciated.
Posted at Nginx Forum:
Hello, I have installed nginx on my personal computer and would like to use it as a proxy to force authentication via modified http headers in various browsers. There's an add-on in firefox to do this, but none for Chrome, which is why I am using...