Beginner on RoR

Hello there dear Ruby on Rails experts.

I decided to dive into the world of web development and Ruby on Rails
is my cutting-edge choice for developing and deploying webapps.

Unfortunately i can not find any book to help and guide me through the
language with examples and projects written in simple words.
So far what i’ve found online are websites that praise RoR , which is
fine by me, and blogs or wikies that address the mid level user who is
switching from a different language and therefore have a basic
background of programming (c++, java, ruby, visual basic or any other
object or non object oriented language)

What about those who have no background?
I bought two books already but they require some knowledge of
programming and after some point it gets complicated.

Any help would be a plain miracle because i really want to learn the

Michael H.'s book[1] has a section that addresses just this topic,
in addition to being a good RoR tutorial itself.

[1] Chapter 1: From zero to deploy | Ruby on Rails Tutorial | Learn Enough to Be Dangerous

Since I’m a Rails newcomer (coming from Java/C++), I iterated lots of
tutorials already, what Brian posted seems good though I haven’t
explored it thoroughly.

Getting Started with Rails — Ruby on Rails Guides was very useful for
Watching was very useful for me
Reading this group is very useful for me (:
Talking with guys at #rvm, etc…

Just be sure to pick something recent because it can be quite
frustrating to do stuff by the book which applies for the old version
and doesn’t work with the new one.
Drop me a line if you need more newbie help (:


On 9 November 2010 23:39, Filippos [email protected] wrote:

background of programming (c++, java, ruby, visual basic or any other
object or non object oriented language)

What about those who have no background?
I bought two books already but they require some knowledge of
programming and after some point it gets complicated.

I personally found “Learn to Program”, “Programming Ruby” & “Agile Web
Development with Rails” from along with the
excellent to be some of the best resources
if you are new to programming.

“Learn to Program” is worth working through if you have never used
Oriented programming before, even if you have some experience with non
programming. A lot of the concepts I found not explained elsewhere are
clearly shown in this book.

“Programming Ruby” is a very handy reference to have, as Rails is
written in

“Agile Web D. with Rails” has given me enough to want to use
learn Rails.

Also, has downloadable API Documentation for when
are not connected to the net and need to find out how something works.

After that, nothing beats just sitting down and trying it out!


Any help would be a plain miracle because i really want to learn the

I was in a similar boat, just dabbled before, never really seriously tried
to sit down and learn.