hey all!
Uhm, dumb topic perhaps, my bad. Anyway, ive read the “How to create a
shop” in the book “agile web development”. But no i’d like to add some
options to the product in the store, so the future customers can choose
ie. a bike, and then select color and size of that bike. Iv’e given
this function ALOT of taught but haven’t been able to figure it out by
myself, can anyone around here please help me?
It would be nice if the user could select it from a dropdown-list, but I
have no clue about how to do that. Then i figured “I’ll just let the
useres type in their options in a textfield”, but then yet again. I
don’t know how to store that kind of data in a session.
hey all!
Uhm, dumb topic perhaps, my bad. Anyway, ive read the “How to create a
shop” in the book “agile web development”. But no i’d like to add some
options to the product in the store, so the future customers can choose
ie. a bike, and then select color and size of that bike. Iv’e given
this function ALOT of taught but haven’t been able to figure it out by
myself, can anyone around here please help me?
How would you do it in raw HTML? Get a book on that (you can probably
augment it with
I always Google for HTML
site:microsoft.com html select option
When I wonder about select boxes. MS’s HTML documentation is all in
one site (or three), with no popup adds or other nonsense.
Uhm, dumb topic perhaps, my bad. Anyway, ive read the “How to create a
shop” in the book “agile web development”. But no i’d like to add some
options to the product in the store, so the future customers can choose
ie. a bike, and then select color and size of that bike. Iv’e given
this function ALOT of taught but haven’t been able to figure it out by
myself, can anyone around here please help me?
How would you do it in raw HTML? Get a book on that; you can probably
augment it with a Bookmark on your favorite online HTML tutorial.
I always Google for HTML like this:
site:microsoft.com html select option
When I wonder about select boxes. MS’s HTML documentation is all in
one site (or three), with no popup adds or other nonsense.
It would be nice if the user could select it from a dropdown-list, but I
have no clue about how to do that. Then i figured “I’ll just let the
useres type in their options in a textfield”, but then yet again. I
don’t know how to store that kind of data in a session.
Once you get the raw HTML down, you can move up to a FormHelper called
Uhm, dumb topic perhaps, my bad. Anyway, ive read the “How to create a
shop” in the book “agile web development”. But no i’d like to add some
options to the product in the store, so the future customers can choose
ie. a bike, and then select color and size of that bike. Iv’e given
this function ALOT of taught but haven’t been able to figure it out by
myself, can anyone around here please help me?
How would you do it in raw HTML? Get a book on that; you can probably
augment it with a Bookmark on your favorite online HTML tutorial.
I always Google for HTML like this:
site:microsoft.com html select option
When I wonder about select boxes. MS’s HTML documentation is all in
one site (or three), with no popup adds or other nonsense.
It would be nice if the user could select it from a dropdown-list, but I
have no clue about how to do that. Then i figured “I’ll just let the
useres type in their options in a textfield”, but then yet again. I
don’t know how to store that kind of data in a session.
Once you get the raw HTML down, you can move up to a FormHelper called
Iv’e managed to create the dropdownlist, but the problem is; How do I
get the selected value to be stored in the session and then later viewed
in the ‘cart’?
Iv’e managed to create the dropdownlist, but the problem is; How do I
get the selected value to be stored in the session and then later viewed
in the ‘cart’?