Beginner cant get rake to work


I am new to ruby on rails and trying to get it going on a windows

However when I try to run the rake task it always fail with the
following error message

C:/Ruby192/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rubygems.rb:340:in bin_path': can't find executable rake for rake-0.8.7 (Gem::Exception) from C:/Ruby192/bin/rake:19:in

and I am not quite sure what I should do to fix it…

Thank you in Advance

Jon W

When you run “gem list” from the command line, does it list “rake

If it does not, run “gem install rake”.

gem list posts

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

rake (0.8.7)

and try installing and updating using gem but still doesnt work

On Oct 15, 12:56am, “Jon W.” [email protected] wrote:

gem list posts

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

rake (0.8.7)

and try installing and updating using gem but still doesnt work

Is a bug in Ruby 1.9.2 and the bundled rake.

The solution is in the RubyInstaller thread (remove of rake.gemspec or
rename to rake-0.8.7.gemspec)

Luis L.

Okay that fixed the dependicies for the shell, seems like there is
something wrong with the gem though.

When i try to use rake from my IDE it searches for the gem and it fails.

Well I can work around it. Thank you

Well, it’s definitely a path problem with Windows…it can’t find the
executable “rake”. It’s been a while since I developed rails on a
windows machine but when I did I used “ruby installer”…it worked as

Whatever ruby setup you’re using, see if you can find anything about
modifying your path so windows knows where to find rubygems.