I have downloaded git, ruby installer etc. I am following a tutorial on
how to installing Ruby on windows.Using cmd on Windows, After installing
devkit in the Ruby200x64 folder, I installed it successfully, created a
“testapp” folder and used the “bundle exec rails server” command and
everything shows up as it shows up on the tutorial including “Rails
applications starting in development on”. However
mine shows an extra line underneath that says it is listening to every
server conditioner using binding option. Now when he runs it
in the tutorial “localhost:3000” on the address bar works. On mine, it
does not. I am at the very last part but stuck for hours. Somebody
please help!
I wouldn’t recommend CMD on Windows. Use GITBASH instead. It works
well and uses *nix commands like the books. Open one GiTBash instance
running your Rails server and the other for any of your functions.
http://installrails.com/ really helped get me going. Don’t forget your
sanity check!
On Wednesday, August 13, 2014 1:48:16 PM UTC+2, Ruby-Forum.com User
does not. I am at the very last part but stuck for hours. Somebody
please help!–
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
Yo say
…created a “testapp” folder and used the “bundle exec rails server”
command …
You should create a Rails application by running:
rails new your_rails_app_name
Then navigate to the created Rails app in Windows command prompt
cd path/to/your_rails_app_name
And only now you should execute in the terminal:
rails s
and navigate to http://localhost:3000 in your browser.
See Rails Guides http://guides.rubyonrails.org/ that will help you to
I believe the problem on windows is that ‘localhost’ may not be bound
correctly in whatever windows uses for a hosts file. I saw some folks
having similar problems at a recent meetup but never did get a chance to
chase it down.
On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 12:39 PM, Joel Witherspoon <