Before_create question

I have the following models: User, Registration, Event.

User has_many Registration, Event has_many Registration, and
Registration belongs_to User and Registration. So far, so good.

There’s a registration deadline on a Event though, a few days before
the Event occurs.

So, I have this:

class Registration < AR
def before_create
errors.add_to_base(“Registration deadline has passed”) unless

The weird thing is, if the registration deadline has passed, the error
gets added to the registration object, and calling save! throws no
exception, but the registration object doesn’t get saved.

So, this test code throws no exception:

event = :start_date => 19.days.from_now,
                          :end_date   => 22.days.from_now,
                          :capacity   => 10

reg = Registration.create :training_event => event, :user => @bob,

:role => @community_director, :program_number => ‘asdf’
assert_equal reg.errors.on(:base), ‘Registration deadline has

I’m asserting that errors exist, but save! doesn’t throw an exception.
But the registration doesn’t seem to be saved.

Joe Van D. wrote:

class Registration < AR
def before_create
errors.add_to_base(“Registration deadline has passed”) unless

The weird thing is, if the registration deadline has passed, the error
gets added to the registration object, and calling save! throws no
exception, but the registration object doesn’t get saved.

before_create is too late in the chain to add errors that affect the
validation check. You’ll need to rename to validate_on_create.

We develop, watch us RoR, in numbers too big to ignore.

On 12/29/05, Mark Reginald J. [email protected] wrote:

gets added to the registration object, and calling save! throws no
exception, but the registration object doesn’t get saved.

before_create is too late in the chain to add errors that affect the
validation check. You’ll need to rename to validate_on_create.

Ah, thanks. Now my tests pass!