On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 12:44, BeeRich [email protected] wrote:
As for top posting, that is an old school habit.
Er, no it isn’t. You young punks wouldn’t know old-school if it bit
you in the diapers! Now get off my lawn!
Seriously though, REAL old-school quoting is interleaved point by
point, with anything irrelevant trimmed out, because that’s concise,
saving on transmission time and storage space, which were expensive in
old-school days. (Many of the old-school email programs wouldn’t even
LET you send a message that was more than half quotes, or would at
least give you a stern warning!) This also makes it much clearer
exactly what point in a longish message, each point of yours is
responding to.
Then came AOHell, with its hordes of idiots quoting a long message in
its entirety just to add “ME TOO!!!” This got to be known as
AOLing. Some old-schoolers would, as usual, just quote enough of a
message that it was understood what was being replied to, and then add
“/aol” rather than “Me too.”
Then came Outhouse, er, I mean, Outlook, with its default of
top-posting. That was what the majority of new computer users used,
and eventually became what the majority (or at least a solid
plurality) used, and thus thought of as normal… brought to you by
the same brilliant folks who brought you such wonders as “Windows ME”,
“Bob”, and the annoying dancing paperclip.
Neither top NOR bottom posting, in the sense of leaving the entire
prior message intact, is sensible. It’s just LAZY.
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Specialization is for insects. (Heinlein) - Have Pun, Will Babble!