I tried using distributed bugtracking for a bit (ditz, to be precise).
It sounded like a great idea to start with, but I found after a bit
that I really wanted a centralised bug database.
On Sunday, November 13, 2011 8:45:20 PM UTC-5, Martin DeMello wrote:
I tried using distributed bugtracking for a bit (ditz, to be precise).
It sounded like a great idea to start with, but I found after a bit
that I really wanted a centralised bug database.
I agree. What I really want is both. I think it would be awesome if
bugs via BE landed them on GitHub’s issue tracker and vice-verse.
On Sunday, November 13, 2011 8:45:20 PM UTC-5, Martin DeMello wrote:
I tried using distributed bugtracking for a bit (ditz, to be precise).
It sounded like a great idea to start with, but I found after a bit
that I really wanted a centralised bug database.
I agree. What I really want is both. I think it would be awesome if
bugs via BE landed them on GitHub’s issue tracker and vice-verse.
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