I am unclear if I should really be in the rails app directory or where.
I am unclear if I should somehow try to drag and drop the desired add on
into the rails app library.
I see some references to SVN in other forum posts on plugins and I don’t
really know what that means to me and if I need SVN and how to get it.
Which directory should I be in when I install a gem or svn if i need to
do that?(rails_apps or above that?.. does it matter?)
I tried installing a gem called rapt which seemed to say it worked but I
couldn’t seem to use the rapt search.
I followed the Subversion link but it didn’t really inform me.
Questions… Should I really learn what subversion is? Anyone got a
decent subversion for noobies link?
Do I really need subversion to install a plugin or am I just missing a
simple command context line?
I have a feeling I am asking some of the wrong questions but I’m trying
to be more specific about what I am not understanding in the existing
how-to for plugins resources.
Subversion is a version control system. It allows you to track the
history of your source code and makes collaboration much easier, since
people can submit changes, get updates, and resolve conflicts
regardless of their physical location. Version control is an
invaluable tool in a programmer’s toolbox and is definitely something
you should learn more about. http://svnbook.red-bean.com is an
excellent reference. You only need to read the first couple of
chapters to get a handle on the basics.
Many rails plugins do require subversion to install, but this one
doesn’t. If the URL begins with svn://, then subversion is required.
You should run script/plugin from the root of the directory that was
generated by the rails command, not in the app directory. That is,
when you type ls or dir (depending on your operating system), you
should see app, config, lib, log, and so forth. If, after running the
plugin command, you get something like “ruby: No such file or
directory – script/plugin (LoadError)”, then you’re in the wrong
The command you tried should work if you’re running it from the
correct place. If it doesn’t, I suspect there’s probably a network
issue of some sort. Are you behind a proxy? Give us the exact error
message and someone can probably help you.
The plugin will install into the vendor/plugins directory.
finally works thank you.
I did need to use --force to make it work, then the files did appear in
vendor/plugins and the feature actually worked after a server restart…
thank you.
Well now I guess I can install more complicated plugins if I want : )
Just because it thinks the plugin is installed doesn’t necessarily
mean it installed correctly the first time. Rails won’t attempt a
reinstall if the directory for that plugin already exists, even if the
previous install failed halfway through. I would suggest adding –
force to the end of the command to force a reinstall, just to be
sure. If you don’t get an error, you should be good to go.