Basic question about Ruby's class hierarchy

I thought I understood this, but apparently not.

What is this object exactly?
o = class << String; self; end

From my understanding:
p o
p String
should output the same thing.

but it doesn’t
p o #Class:String
p String #String

Thanks for answering such a basic question for me.

On Aug 10, 11:22 pm, Patrick Li [email protected] wrote:

but it doesn’t
p o #Class:String
p String #String

o is not the same as String. o is String’s metaclass. The exact role
that metaclasses play is Ruby’s take on object-oriented programming is
too much for an answer post such as this. But you might want to read
why’s explanation at:



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On Aug 10, 9:22 pm, Patrick Li [email protected] wrote:

should output the same thing.

but it doesn’t
p o #Class:String
p String #String

Thanks for answering such a basic question for me.

Posted via

In your example, String is an instance of Class, and o is the
eigenclass (or metaclass) of String. Maybe this will help clarify:

o = class << String; self; end
o.class_eval do
def backwards

String.backwards # => “gnirtS”
