Basic question about blocks

Hello forum,

I am new to Ruby and have a question about blocks.

A) Below is the code I have put in a file <blocksexample.rb>:

Script block2.rb

def simpleFunction

animals { |x| puts “Hello, #{x}” }
animals { |x| puts “It’s #{x.length} characters long!” }

B) I run the <blocksexample.rb> as below…only once:


C) The output is as below:

Hello, Tiger
Hello, Giraffe
It’s 5 characters long!
It’s 7 characters long!

Question 1: How is it I am not getting error for using same name
for 2 blocks in the same file?
Question 2: How is the first animal block executed followed by the
second animal block execution…inspite of me running the example only

Please let me know, appreciate your help in advance.


On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 9:03 AM, Esh G. [email protected] wrote:


Question 2: How is the first animal block executed followed by the
second animal block execution…inspite of me running the example only

Please let me know, appreciate your help in advance.

Can you check the program you posted? There is no animals method, so it
blows up on my computer.



Sorry for mistake in typing the code…below is the program code…

Script block1.rb

def animals
yield “Tiger”
yield “Giraffe”

animals { |x| puts “Hello, #{x}” }
animals { |x| puts “It’s #{x.length} characters long!” }

And the Yield function in above …

  • first yields to the … animals { |x| puts “Hello, #{x}” } for
  • then the same “Tiger” should go to the … animals { |x| puts “It’s
    #{x.length} characters long!” }

… this is my understanding…but the code prints out as below:

Hello, Tiger
Hello, Giraffe
It’s 5 characters long!
It’s 7 characters long!

…Meaning the

  • first animals block executes for the word “Tiger” and “Giraffe”
  • second animals block executes for the word “Tiger” and “Giraffe”

The order of execution is correct, you’re calling “animals” twice, and
in each case you’re getting “Tiger” and “Giraffe” before moving on the
next call of “animals”.

Joel P. wrote in post #1108788:

The order of execution is correct, you’re calling “animals” twice, and
in each case you’re getting “Tiger” and “Giraffe” before moving on the
next call of “animals”.

Sorry but I am trying to understand the flow here…

  1. First yield "Tiger" should call

animals { |x| puts “Hello, #{x}” }
animals { |x| puts “It’s #{x.length} characters long!” }

  1. Second yield "Giraffe" should call

animals { |x| puts “Hello, #{x}” }
animals { |x| puts “It’s #{x.length} characters long!” }

But the output is NOT…
Hello, Tiger
It’s 5 characters long!
Hello, Giraffe
It’s 7 characters long!

The output IS…

Hello, Tiger
Hello, Giraffe
It’s 5 characters long!
It’s 7 characters long!

Actually, Ruby is doing exactly what you are asking it to do.

You need to rewrite your block to get what you are looking for.

animals { |x| puts “Hello, #{x}\nIt’s #{x.length} characters long!” }

When you were calling animals, it stepped through both yields. That’s
expected. Why do you think it should have been otherwise?


The output is correct, to get what you want to change the sentence:

 animals { |x| puts "Hello, #{x}"; puts "It's #{x.length}

characters long!" }


2013/5/13 Esh G. [email protected]:

Or this:

animals { |x| puts “Hello, #{x}\nIt’s #{x.length} characters long!” }

You call twice the animal function. The first time sent “puts “Hello,
#{x}”” as a block and the second time “puts “It’s #{x.length}
characters long!””.


2013/5/13 Esh G. [email protected]:

Yes, thats what I thought :slight_smile:

Thanks Ulises and everybody.

So long,

Joel P. wrote in post #1108793:

Or this:

animals { |x| puts “Hello, #{x}\nIt’s #{x.length} characters long!” }

Ok. Let me undersdtand this…

  1. I was thinking the in the below function

def animals
yield “Tiger”
yield “Giraffe”

… calls each of the blocks below with “Tiger” and “Giraffe”

animals { |x| puts “Hello, #{x}” }
animals { |x| puts “It’s #{x.length} characters long!” }

  1. But I think from all the explanations I got… below might be true

animals { |x| puts “Hello, #{x}” }
animals { |x| puts “It’s #{x.length} characters long!” }

… calls the function

def animals
yield “Tiger”
yield “Giraffe”

Does this make any sense ?
